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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Wing Commander's Avatar
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    employment in the uk for filipinos

    I just want to ask, are there are a lot of Filipinos out there who are not in the medical & health services who are having trouble nailing a job...?

    Basically, I've been looking for a job for 6 years now and I can't help but think that it's an uphill struggle purely because I'm not British. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm anywhere near special, or unspecial, in this case, but I can't help feeling a massive discrimination against me every time I admit I'm Filipino. I obviously don't look Filipino, as you can see from my avatar, and my accent is more of a Canadian/American & I'm fairly comfortable with the English language but every time I say - or show my passport - interviewers just seem to look a little TOO deflated. I come from a financial customer services background with a good experience from HSBC back in the Philippines but unlike most Filipinos, I haven't completed a university degree as I personally do not believe in it. So not entirely sure what's going on here. Any pointers?

  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    this is philippine passport? if so possibly they may think you wont stay, or you might be illegal,

    if it isnt any of them, i realy dont think its likely to be discrimination,,,
    even british people can have many interviews without securing a job,
    many companies when you apply and post your cv, even if you supply an envelope and post stamp, most they dont even bother to reply,
    so your not alone , stay possitive and keep trying,
    there are so many people applying for the same job,
    it may take some time to gain success, to begin with you may have to settle for less than your capabilitys untill you can get better employment, it is i may add easier to find employment when you are already employed,

    good luck to you

  3. #3
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    I can’t see that being Filipino is going to stop you from getting a job in the UK if you have the right to work. We have a Filipina in our office at present and I have employed them before. There is so much unemployment in the UK at the moment that there are often hundreds of applicants for one job so competition is very stiff. A lot of businesses these days often recruit temporary workers with a view to making them permanent at a later date if they are successful (kind of like try before you buy). If you haven’t already done so, I’d recommend registering with a local or specialist recruitment agency and also regularly checking the career section of websites belonging to some of the businesses in your area that you might like to work for.

    Good luck with your search and don't lose hope

  4. #4
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    I don't recall my ex-wife having any trouble finding work here in York, and keeping it, AND getting promoted...or my Filipina step-daughter for that matter.

    Maybe it's the area of the country in which you live.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wing Commander View Post
    I just want to ask, are there are a lot of Filipinos out there who are not in the medical & health services who are having trouble nailing a job...?

    Basically, I've been looking for a job for 6 years now and I can't help but think that it's an uphill struggle purely because I'm not British. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm anywhere near special, or unspecial, in this case, but I can't help feeling a massive discrimination against me every time I admit I'm Filipino. I obviously don't look Filipino, as you can see from my avatar, and my accent is more of a Canadian/American & I'm fairly comfortable with the English language but every time I say - or show my passport - interviewers just seem to look a little TOO deflated. I come from a financial customer services background with a good experience from HSBC back in the Philippines but unlike most Filipinos, I haven't completed a university degree as I personally do not believe in it. So not entirely sure what's going on here. Any pointers?
    It's not the looks, it's not the passport, it's not the accent. It's not the degree. Even if u have Degrees or level 2 in Child care, they will still ask you to update your degrees in the university. It is the demand of what they are looking for. Due to unemployment crisis, there's a lot of applicant competition. If you are more on customer service mostly they will ask for NVQ2. But there are company who will train u once they employ you. It also depends on the area where u are now if there's employment going on in the area of your expertise.

    If u are really interested to work, try other jobs that is not only for customer service. U may try a healthcare assistant to private nursing/residential homes. You may gain and nvq level for it. The demand is everywhere. They also check what visa you are holding.

    Filipinos thinks that they are discriminated. Don't be. We are just too emotional. It's a combination of culture shock & how we interpret their actions. It's UK way & we are no longer in the Phils. Be positive. Take it as an experience & the work isn't for you. Don't stop. Carry on finding a job. Submit application form online as much as u could if u think the job is for u. Don't lose hope. Mind you in the Philippines if u reach 27 +, it's hard to find a job. Remember it's whom u know. If you don't have personality (u know what I mean), no relative in the company/ friend, no big names in your references u cannot get a job right away. In the UK even if your are above 30's, they don't put in their applicant specification 'with pleasing personality' u know what i mean, no matter what colour of your skin, accent, passport u are holding/visa etc. for as long as you understand and you know the job that you are applying for... there's a chance for you to be shortlisted and maybe hired one day. You can do it. Don't be discouraged. Don't think that way. Be confident and good luck to your job hunting.
    If you can't say something nice. SHUT UP!. Simple.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maria B View Post
    It's not the looks, it's not the passport, it's not the accent. It's not the degree. Even if u have Degrees or level 2 in Child care, they will still ask you to update your degrees in the university. It is the demand of what they are looking for. Due to unemployment crisis, there's a lot of applicant competition. If you are more on customer service mostly they will ask for NVQ2. But there are company who will train u once they employ you. It also depends on the area where u are now if there's employment going on in the area of your expertise.

    If u are really interested to work, try other jobs that is not only for customer service. U may try a healthcare assistant to private nursing/residential homes. You may gain and nvq level for it. The demand is everywhere. They also check what visa you are holding.

    Filipinos thinks that they are discriminated. Don't be. We are just too emotional. It's a combination of culture shock & how we interpret their actions. It's UK way & we are no longer in the Phils. Be positive. Take it as an experience & the work isn't for you. Don't stop. Carry on finding a job. Submit application form online as much as u could if u think the job is for u. Don't lose hope. Mind you in the Philippines if u reach 27 +, it's hard to find a job. Remember it's whom u know. If you don't have personality (u know what I mean), no relative in the company/ friend, no big names in your references u cannot get a job right away. In the UK even if your are above 30's, they don't put in their applicant specification 'with pleasing personality' u know what i mean, no matter what colour of your skin, accent, passport u are holding/visa etc. for as long as you understand and you know the job that you are applying for... there's a chance for you to be shortlisted and maybe hired one day. You can do it. Don't be discouraged. Don't think that way. Be confident and good luck to your job hunting.
    Now that is a great post. Wonderful.
    Well done Maria. You said it all.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Now that is a great post. Wonderful.
    Well done Maria. You said it all.
    Salamat Terpe.
    If you can't say something nice. SHUT UP!. Simple.

  8. #8
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    No all true

    Quote Originally Posted by Maria B View Post
    It's not the looks, it's not the passport, it's not the accent. It's not the degree. Even if u have Degrees or level 2 in Child care, they will still ask you to update your degrees in the university. It is the demand of what they are looking for. Due to unemployment crisis, there's a lot of applicant competition. If you are more on customer service mostly they will ask for NVQ2. But there are company who will train u once they employ you. It also depends on the area where u are now if there's employment going on in the area of your expertise.

    If u are really interested to work, try other jobs that is not only for customer service. U may try a healthcare assistant to private nursing/residential homes. You may gain and nvq level for it. The demand is everywhere. They also check what visa you are holding.

    Filipinos thinks that they are discriminated. Don't be. We are just too emotional. It's a combination of culture shock & how we interpret their actions. It's UK way & we are no longer in the Phils. Be positive. Take it as an experience & the work isn't for you. Don't stop. Carry on finding a job. Submit application form online as much as u could if u think the job is for u. Don't lose hope. Mind you in the Philippines if u reach 27 +, it's hard to find a job. Remember it's whom u know. If you don't have personality (u know what I mean), no relative in the company/ friend, no big names in your references u cannot get a job right away. In the UK even if your are above 30's, they don't put in their applicant specification 'with pleasing personality' u know what i mean, no matter what colour of your skin, accent, passport u are holding/visa etc. for as long as you understand and you know the job that you are applying for... there's a chance for you to be shortlisted and maybe hired one day. You can do it. Don't be discouraged. Don't think that way. Be confident and good luck to your job hunting.
    I love the positive feedback but not discourage anyone. "The who you know culture" is not only a filipino trait. It also happens here in the UK. You should have stopped on giving advises.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by robertomad View Post
    I love the positive feedback but not discourage anyone. "The who you know culture" is not only a filipino trait. It also happens here in the UK. You should have stopped on giving advises.
    I think you missed some key points.

    Quote Originally Posted by Maria B View Post
    .... Remember it's whom u know....

  10. #10
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robertomad View Post
    You should have stopped on giving advises.
    My adivises on your advises is don't offer advices
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  11. #11
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    Hmm...what an excellent and positive post...if I may say so.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Hmm...what an excellent and positive post...if I may say so.
    If you can't say something nice. SHUT UP!. Simple.

  13. #13
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    Have you tried the cafe and restaurant sector?

  14. #14
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    Also, have you tried HSBC over here?

    Out of interest and I know that the Isle of Man is a little different, but in the Isle of Man both Tescos and Marks and Spencer actively employ Filipinos / Filipinas. I think I have mentioned on here before, there is a large number of filipinos in Tescos here in Douglas and also to a lesser degree in Marks and Sparks. For the most part, for them to work here, the Isle of Man government have to dish out work permits so that means both the Isle of Man government and Tesco and Marks and Sparks quite like employing Filipinos /Filipinas.

    You might say, how do I know they are from the Philippines. Easy, I have talked to most of them. That being so then the hiring here is positively in the favour of those from the Philippines.

  15. #15
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    hello everyone..

  16. #16
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    try mcdonalds anyone can get a job there .In times like this you can,t afford to be too fussy because I think things are gonna get worse still.these days the longer that your out of work the less attractive you become for employment.But don,t give up you will get there soon because you sound like a tryer good luck.

  17. #17
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Wing Commander's Avatar
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    Thanks for all your helpful replies, everyone! I have a Philippine passport, yes, and it is coupled with an 'indefinite leave to remain' visa and I will be eligible to apply for Citizenship in 2016. When I tried McD's in 2008, the "manager" insisted that I came back with a "work visa". I had to demand to speak to his colleagues who might better understand the kind of visa I have. I did get that job eventually but had to leave it after some months because the pub I was also working in during that time was sold, hence having to move out of the county altogether. I tried EVERY recruitment agency in my current (Swindon) neighbourhood including specialist ones, outskirts ones. I even disregarded the travel issues and tried Bristol, Cheltenham, Chippenham and Bath. I managed to get a temp job at Nationwide similar to my HSBC one but they did not offer to renew it (most probably because I have ADHD which affects my memory) so I took that as a Divine Sign to put more hours in chasing an actual, proper career instead of JUST a job. Other than the fact that I do not know anyone who can actually help me land a job, I am personally against asking for any kind of favours from anyone, to be honest. I have not tried other major banking call centres as there are not any around here other than Nationwide. HSBC's, I think, is in Glasgow. I am more interested in Aviation Engineering really, but not quite sure how to go about that either.

  18. #18
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wing Commander View Post
    Thanks for all your helpful replies, everyone! I am more interested in Aviation Engineering really, but not quite sure how to go about that either.
    U may browse the following wesites in your free time. Goodluck!
    If you can't say something nice. SHUT UP!. Simple.

  19. #19
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    Aviation Engineering - Kemble Airfield (Cotswold Airport) isn't too far from you Wingco - might be worth phoning the companies there. I remember going there in the late 80's when it was RAF/USAF - the Yanks laid on a great open day for the locals (my boss lived nearby and used to drink with a CIA man in the local pub) free beer, dogs and burgers. I got to sit in a Warthog

  20. #20
    Respected Member han's Avatar
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    Hello everyone!

    Cold, snow flakes morning here in Grantshouse east Lotian- but thanks to this website, very informative made me busy reading and reading makes my morning lively.
    I will search for job soon once everything will be settled esp my visa, so all your replies here really an eye opener to me, bout work opportunities here in UK.

  21. #21
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    As some who has probably interviewed 500 plus people in my time, I would say being Filipino isnt a barrier. But employers are worried about the right to work in the uk, you should have this on your CV if you have full rights to work here and under what visa or entitlement.
    Also a 6 year gap would scare off most employers, its just easier to choose someone without a gap. i would suggest you have a well rehearsed positive answer as to what you did in the 6 years and why you are now employable. New qualifications or a little voluntary work can look good on the CV as a route back into employment and can make you stand out as someone who is keen to work. But most important is your interview manner, be smart, be early, be positive and professional, research potential employers as much as possible before the interview. prepare by doing some practice interview questions from the internet. Getting a job is a job in itself! stay positive and good luck!

  22. #22
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    You could consinder doing part time anything its better to have any job then keep applying for the job u after these days the whole world finding it tough to find a job.

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lancashirelad View Post

    As some who has probably interviewed 500 plus people in my time, I would say being Filipino isnt a barrier. But employers are worried about the right to work in the uk, you should have this on your CV if you have full rights to work here and under what visa or entitlement.
    Also a 6 year gap would scare off most employers, its just easier to choose someone without a gap. i would suggest you have a well rehearsed positive answer as to what you did in the 6 years and why you are now employable. New qualifications or a little voluntary work can look good on the CV as a route back into employment and can make you stand out as someone who is keen to work. But most important is your interview manner, be smart, be early, be positive and professional, research potential employers as much as possible before the interview. prepare by doing some practice interview questions from the internet. Getting a job is a job in itself! stay positive and good luck!
    excellent advice,
    my misses had a gap of 6 yrs but thru hard work and a bit of luck managed to get her first job and has not looked back

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  25. #25
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    I have enough vices already...but tnx.

  26. #26
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    Vices are nices at my time in life
    I'll not be stopping my vices

  27. #27
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    I think there are a few companies out there looking for a staff in the travel sector based in London

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