uhm (thinking) ...whisper ...i notice alot of people viewing this site .....as guests but inly 2 people who have joined? uhm why?
.......are people shy? or .....just inquisative?
uhm (thinking) ...whisper ...i notice alot of people viewing this site .....as guests but inly 2 people who have joined? uhm why?
.......are people shy? or .....just inquisative?
just thought if people taken intrest ..in this site...then hey ! why not join and become full member of the club aha![]()
It s nice to see a collection of people, who discuss matters that all of us deal with to some repect in life .......and the trouble is ...we never really know ...who is at the end of a keyboard..........![]()
uhm nuddies?
whats that then
just discussing
replying to MR stevie r . nothing more nothing less
maybe i need to hoover my keyboard? you get stuff under keys some times ......especially when im a messy eater over it :$ ha
im just being conversatinal ........what are nuddies?
stepped on somebodys toes oops
i found how to deleate dude no-worries.
whats with all thease adds??????????? whisper any body know how to get rid of them ha and dont say turn the pc off lol
im just winding my brain up ....like wind up battery ok
well, thi dosnt worry me, it is good that people are viewing and visiting this site as
it is a seems a freindly site
for people to discuss and meet
maybe people have there own reasons , ha everybody has there own story in life
understand that
no-worries i was just being ...:/ conversatinal.....no bad intent ment to anybody :$....come yee all and look ..the more the merrier aha
wheres me bib ha![]()
how do people find out if somebody is true?
say u meet some one ,, how do you know ? they are for real?
example man meets woman or woman meets man secnario?
any body have any answers?
uhm ok what? whats funny duder?
what tickled ya funny bone?
i must say you are a complete & utter nutter![]()
oh bulong i see :( ha no-worries
Mr last lid...is your picture ...of that drive device in that film....equalibrium
or was the film named somit else? dark horizon or some film where they go to edge of space with a space ship that has a engine that when activated sort of opens up a seperate parralel universe with monsters in that invade the ship and its crew
Got it ...it was callled ////Event horizon yes
the picture mr lid has is like the drive engine in there space ship
just trying start up convo , nothing more nothing less
so lets clarrify ....why are they nonsense?
so lets clarrify ...why are they bullshit?
hahah eascaped from ...uhm no-where ...haahah
just called a sense of humour![]()
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