good info doc,
cancer spreads through out your body adomin chest to your lungs and your lymph nodes
i know not everyone goes through cheemo the same , some seem to go through it reasonably well, others suffer badly, not from the cancer but the treatment, its deadly poision and kills your good cells along with the bad , and your immune system is lost, your weak, your dying, just to get out of bed to go to the loo is a hell of a feat to have the energy to get there and back, when you manage to get back to bed you colapse on it, i just cant explain, how bad it is, this goes on for months, not days or weeks, you want to give up and take the easy way out and die because your too exhausted to fight it,
believe me if everyone realy knew what its like, you would stop smoking,
im not saying that smoking caused the cancer i had, theres no evidence to say that, but smoking certainly weakens the natural body defences that keep you well