Quote Originally Posted by Whoosh View Post
yes it does thanks - I have only entered into one debate on the forum - about smoking - I noticed that one member - a mod - seemed to dislike my opinion to the subject of smoking and made it a little personal - I never did and only argued about the subject of the post not the posters - a forum takes all sorts of people and opinions to make it a forum and given I am about to enter the RP to live I would have thought I could contribute something - but if I am am the whim of other members who just push buttons because they do not like what I read I think I will withdraw


It could have been anyone, not necessarily a mod. We can't all like what people say or the way they say it. As a mod, I bite my tongue a lot because of the fact that even though I might not agree with everyone, diversity is what makes the forum tick. Don't get upset about it, it happens on any forum.

If you decide to withdraw, it is completely up to you, but I would hope you reconsider. We all have good things to add to the forum.