There was a particular sentence within my Step-sons refusal notice that I was particular offended by on a personal level and feel the comment went way beyond what one would expect ..

*There appears to be no reason why your mother's husband cannot join you in the Philippines to form a family unit*

My thoughts...

Who do they think they are? excuse me there is a very good reason!! ..we want to live in England, hence why we spent so much money in applications and such like!! ..and excuse me how am I supposed to feed and cloth and put a roof over my family's head if I was to move to the Philippines

Is this ECO aware of the current unemployment in Philippines I wonder? does he have any idea how hard it for a Filipino to find work there let alone a foreigner, is he aware that average weekly earnings there are around 1000php (£6.60) Is it any of his bloody business ? how could an intelligent adult make such a remark is beyond me, needless to say I would love to meet him for a chat ..I will say no more ...

What do you all think ? do you think I have taken it to heart and should expect to read such comments from an ECO ?