Bloody daft public queuing to fill up their 4x4 s because of tanker drivers ballot!
Strike has not even started but these selfish ..... who panic buy get on my tits!
Bloody daft public queuing to fill up their 4x4 s because of tanker drivers ballot!
Strike has not even started but these selfish ..... who panic buy get on my tits!
... it's like, "I'm ALRIGHT Jack - and to
with ANYBODY else!"
no one should hold this country to ransom, what are these people on per week or month, lots i can asure you, best paid drivers in the country, then next are tesco drivers, most of the fuel drivers move about the country, when there is someone short they send a driver over put them in lodgings for the week plus a car and they earn a lot of cash
More lazy, workshy reprobates trying to hold the country to ransom!
The tanker drivers are very well paid, but they say the proposed strike is over conditions and health and safety. And yet this is the sort of genius that works as a tanker driver:
Greedy ba$tards - McCluskey Champagne Socialist
£10,000 feast at a top hotel for 300 senior trade unionists washed down with fine wine
Read more:
Greedy/Workshy/Holding the Country to ransom seems a bit harsh. From what I'm reading they seem to be in dispute over safety and terms and conditions. I havent read anything about excessive wage demands. They haven't been on strike for 12 years which suggest to me they've probably got a genuine case. Don't now about anyone else but I wouldn't like to think that any company would be cutting corners on safety with 35000 litre tankers being driven on our roads.
Just been to my local asda forecourt to fill up with diesel only to be told they have run out![]()
I was on 1/4 last night so filled up - on my travels this morning there didn't look to be any panic buying at local petrol stations
Ded maybe it is just coincidence that they have run out of diesel just as they have anounced the strike plans
well paid... Why not ?...besides it should be everyone going on stike, stop buying fuel stop Drinking alchol and stop smoking, then there will be no money for NHS and most of the Goverment... they might even have to start taxing banks heavens forbid,![]()
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
I went up to the Lake District to work Mon-Weds, and was already worrying about having enough petrol to get back home, even in my boy's little Punto.
Sheer madness in York today, with queues everywhere.
I nipped out to a little country garage about 5 miles away to top up, and had to pay £1.47p a litre.
ps...Wish I'd taken my camera to the Lakes.![]()
Its crazy. Like one guy said on the tv. Cameron should have kept his mouth shut. Anyway Im on a weeks break if there is no petrol for next week I cant do my job. But i will still get paid I hope.![]()
I dunno what your all moaning about, only cost me 20 pence a litre to fill up my 4x4 the other day. Ooops the joys of living in the big sandpit with more oil then water.
Scares me to think how much fuel costs in the UK. People have no option but to get to work, yet often have very little choice but to drive. The stealth taxes of the UK.
Of course if we'd maintained the inland water ways better we'd be transporting most of this stuff, including most of the frieght, coa,l etc by boats instead of clogging up the roads with hgv's. Works very well over in holland etc.
It's been emontional
Adding fuel to the flames. This sort of thing wont be helping either the supply of oil and gas or the price.
Time to go and buy electric cars.....
This (tanker strike) is possibly the ultimate example of Stop the Job for Safety
"A woman has been badly burned after petrol ignited as she transferred it between containers in her kitchen".
That's hot news here in York.![]()
I think there's some mileage in this one for Arthur...but no flaming please.![]()
Hot off the press
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