Visa Section,
British Embassy,
The Philippines.

3rd February, 2012.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re. Visa Application for Mrs Juvilyn Jones

I am writing in support of my wife’s settlement visa application. I hope this will give you additional information that will enable you to approve her request.

I first met Juvy online in a discussion forum in December 2007 and we started chatting regularly from that point on. Our relationship developed steadily until I flew over to Manila in October 2008 to meet her face to face. We spent two weeks together, during which time I met her family and celebrated her birthday together. During this period I invited her to spend some time with my family in the UK. She accepted and applied successfully for a tourist visa. In May 2009 I visited her a second time in Manila and we spent two weeks together before we both returned to the UK in early June. We lived together for five months, during which time she met my mother, who is in her mid 80’s and suffers from dementia. Juvy helped care for her and they became great friends. It was during this time that we became engaged. Juvy flew back to Manila just before the expiry of her visa in October 2009. Initially we planned to get married in the UK in early 2010. Juvy applied for a student visa to enable her to study at a local college but sadly her application was declined. We therefore decided to marry in the Philippines instead, but my mother’s health was causing me grave concern and I felt that I could not leave her alone for the three weeks necessary to get married abroad. Juvy was also concerned and wanted to return to the UK to care for her again, so she applied for a tourist visa in March 2010 but sadly this was declined. Unfortunately, my mother’s health deteriorated to the point where it was necessary to admit her to a nursing home at the end of 2010. But at least it gave me the opportunity to start planning my wedding. However, Juvy’s family belong to a church which does not allow its members to marry non-members. Her mother objected to our plan to hold a civil ceremony and insisted that I be baptised into their religion so that we could marry in their church. It takes a minimum of six months to pass the baptism requirements and after starting at the beginning of March 2011, I was baptised at the end of August. We were then free to marry and I travelled over to the Philippines in October for three weeks to wed and go away on honeymoon. Finally I returned to the UK and have been assisting Juvy with this application.

My mother was moved to a nursing home in xxxx so that my sister could provide additional support and companionship, as she lives nearby and does not work. Since my mother sold her house in xxx before moving to xxxx, I moved into rented accommodation (please see the attached tenancy agreement and letter from the letting agency). The house is large enough to accommodate both Juvy and I for the foreseeable future.

I am currently employed on a permanent basis as an IT Project Manager at the xxxx in central London (please see attached employment contract). I joined as a contractor in xxx and took up a permanent position there in xxxx. I believe I am in a strong position to ride out the current economic storm due both to my relatively secure role at the xxxx, and also due to my knowledge and experience in the field of IT project management and software development that would make it relatively straightforward to find another job should I lose my current one. Although I earn approximately xxxx. which is enough to support both my wife and I (please see attached payslips and bank statements), Juvy has made it clear to me that she wants to find a job on arrival in the UK to help support us and boost our financial situation still further. Please note that I currently support my wife while she is living in the Philippines by sending her cash each month, usually between xxx and xxx and sometimes more (please see the attached Western Union payment receipts as proof). Obviously, when she joins me in the UK I will no longer need to send her these amounts and can instead use the money to support us here. I am therefore confident that we will be financially independent without the need for public funds of any kind. When studying my bank statements, please take into consideration that the average balance is lower than usual from September onwards owing to the fact that during the period in question I was covering the exceptional costs of my extended trip to the Philippines and the wedding in October. Due to the significant expenditure at the time and the subsequent cost of Christmas following so soon afterwards, my bank balance has not yet recovered to its former level. But I am confident that it will within the next two or three months.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasise that Juvy and I have known each other for four years, most of which has been spent apart. Despite many problems that have prevented us from marrying until recently, our love and desire to be together has remained as strong as ever. We chat every day on the Internet using Skype and YM so that we can see as well as hear each other. On the few days that we are not able to chat we miss each other very much. This is why we feel so strongly that we want to spend the rest of our lives together. Once Juvy is settled in this country, we plan to start a family and use any inheritance from my mother’s estate to buy a home of our own. We intend to visit my relatives in the UK and Juvy’s family in the Philippines as regularly as our finances will allow. We would also like to travel together on holiday as much as possible, especially to Italy and other Mediterranean countries. Given our age difference, it is most likely that I will die long before my wife, so I intend to take out a life assurance policy so that she and any children are provided for after I have passed on.

I hope that this information is sufficient for you to come to a positive conclusion over my wife’s visa application. If you need me to provide any further documentation, please do not hesitate to ask.

