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Thread: How Islam became a scapegoat for the problems of immigration

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    How Islam became a scapegoat for the problems of immigration

    Something I wrote last week about Islam caused a bit of a stir, with one conservative blogger wondering if I had been threatened with beheading. The great Mark Steyn even wrote: “I’m sad to see the usually perceptive Ed West of the London Telegraph planting his flag on this wobbling blancmange.” Considering I am Mark Steyn’s biggest fan in the whole wide world, complete with a wall covered with pictures of him and a tattoo of his face on my chest, that’s left with me some mixed feelings.

  2. #2
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    I have no patience with ANY archaic belief system, and in particular belief systems that seem to encourage tribalism, sexism, racism, discrimination and cruelty.

    Please stay in your own country if you want to come to mine, but do not wish to embrace my country's culture and way of life.

    It's bad enough my government wasting hundreds of lives and billions of £s attempting to bring some sort of basic civilisation to the rabbles inhabiting various countries who supposedly run their societies according to the rules of a peace-loving prophet.

    Your primitive beliefs, tribalism and petty inter-sect quarrels are not welcome here in the 21st century, where thankfully the majority population have progressed far enough to be able to manage their lives without some imaginary man in the clouds and his self-appointed employees interfering.


  3. #3
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Simply put - para 2 - when in Rome...
    Totally agree with you Graham.

  4. #4
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    Unfortunately I'd throw in Christianity under that broad comment Graham. The basic concepts of the religion are fine, and for the most part religious followers are good hearted and spirited people. I personally hold no grudges against Islam, nor most other religions. But extremism, yes I have serious issues with. When we have an influx of uneducated migrants who know nothing other then to follow religious leaders, we have a problem.

    The problem in the UK is that other 'Cultures' are forced upon us, yet our own values and way of life are seem to being eroded away. This isn't limited to culture, it can also be said at other minorities such as homosexuality, where not just equality is achieved (which is fine), but additional rights over and above the average joe and people being forced to accept it and having it thrown in their face.

    The general sentiments of the people in the UK seem to be completely ignored.

    Islaam, I have no problems with the basic religion, I have many islamic friends and live in an Islamic country. I don't see women oppressed, I don't see men beating them, I don't see people denied alcohol or pork.

    Pakistan is a country I'm wary of though...

  5. #5
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    Oh, I'll happily include the worst excesses of Christianity.

    Fortunately I was able to extricate myself from the brainwashing of that particularly self-righteous bunch at the age of 16 though.

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