Unfortunately I'd throw in Christianity under that broad comment Graham. The basic concepts of the religion are fine, and for the most part religious followers are good hearted and spirited people. I personally hold no grudges against Islam, nor most other religions. But extremism, yes I have serious issues with. When we have an influx of uneducated migrants who know nothing other then to follow religious leaders, we have a problem.
The problem in the UK is that other 'Cultures' are forced upon us, yet our own values and way of life are seem to being eroded away. This isn't limited to culture, it can also be said at other minorities such as homosexuality, where not just equality is achieved (which is fine), but additional rights over and above the average joe and people being forced to accept it and having it thrown in their face.
The general sentiments of the people in the UK seem to be completely ignored.
Islaam, I have no problems with the basic religion, I have many islamic friends and live in an Islamic country. I don't see women oppressed, I don't see men beating them, I don't see people denied alcohol or pork.
Pakistan is a country I'm wary of though...