Hey everyone, my name is Jordan born and raised in England.

Currantly I am living in London and I have just finished my A levels and if everything goes well I should be heading to university come september.

About me

There isn't much to me really, however I have usually used this one saying to describe me and my background;

"Filipino by blood, British by nature"

Generally I am a C/B grade student who likes to play games, likes to watch anime (and read manga) and also sketch.

I like spending time with my friends and generally having a good time.

Overall I always find myself shy about other people but I have been told that once I become aquainted with someone I tend to be more forward than most.

What I'm doing here

Since the end of my compulsuory education I have spent my life living the way I want, it is only until now that I am looking back and seeing what I could have done better and what I would like to do better.

My good friend Romano has always said that despite being Filipino I hang out with alot of people that aren't. I find that stupid and that I shouldn't disregard the rest of the ethnicities. None the less it is true I have barely a dozen friends that are Filipino and I would like to change that.

Well, thats quite alot about me. Nice to meet you all.