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Thread: Is it Really So Difficult and Time Consuming for the ECO to Get it Right?

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lastlid Is it Really So Difficult and... 5th April 2012, 06:37
lastlid Apologies there. Joe said... 5th April 2012, 08:48
Terpe Interesting thread topic... 5th April 2012, 08:57
lastlid I presume thats the bit that... 5th April 2012, 09:00
Terpe The thing that concerns me... 5th April 2012, 09:07
lastlid I agree, but take the Marco... 5th April 2012, 09:12
lastlid This too? 5th April 2012, 09:06
lastlid Also it begs the question,... 5th April 2012, 09:14
andy222 Things are so easy if your a... 5th April 2012, 09:00
lastlid I am a european Andy....just... 5th April 2012, 09:07
Arthur Little :iagree: ... that's long been... 5th April 2012, 14:15
RickyR I've got several different... 5th April 2012, 11:23
lastlid Or on the back of a fag... 5th April 2012, 13:03
tanga Ricky, I have to agree 100%... 5th April 2012, 17:04
lastlid Interesting slant Ricky. I... 5th April 2012, 12:53
Terpe Lastlid, I think you'd find... 5th April 2012, 13:18
lastlid Well yes. I would be inclined... 5th April 2012, 13:22
RickyR One point about immigration... 5th April 2012, 13:39
lastlid I see, interesting. I noted... 5th April 2012, 13:51
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  1. #1
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    Interesting thread topic Lastlid.

    Personally I would suggest that the 'statistics' are not accurate, but lets not turn this thread into a debate on the stats.

    I wonder whether the following might help in understanding the basic process:-

    Entry Clearance Basics (ECB) - Making a decision on an application

    Some of the key wordings used include:-

    "The burden of proof lies with the applicant.."

    "The ECO / ECM has discretion to vary the documentation required to support an application."

    "If the applicant does not meet the requirements of the Rules the applicant should be refused without interview"

    "The ECO is encouraged to make quick, pragmatic decisions to resolve applications, on papers where appropriate, using Structured Decision Making, their expertise, local knowledge and focussed interviews. The ECO should not rely unnecessarily on documentary evidence."

    Some of this stuff is quite worrying.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    The ECO should not rely unnecessarily on documentary evidence."

    Some of this stuff is quite worrying.
    I presume thats the bit that worries you the most?

    Or do you think he / she follows up with phone calls also?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I presume thats the bit that worries you the most?

    Or do you think he / she follows up with phone calls also?
    The thing that concerns me the most, is that the 'paper process' is more akin to ticking the boxes against immigration rules. At the same time the ECO's are given considerable discretion and this may well lead them into value judgements (which should not be confused with discretion or risk assessment - imo)

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    The thing that concerns me the most, is that the 'paper process' is more akin to ticking the boxes against immigration rules. At the same time the ECO's are given considerable discretion and this may well lead them into value judgements (which should not be confused with discretion or risk assessment - imo)

    I agree, but take the Marco did the box ticking fair there? The initial checker must have ticked the boxes despite the documentary evidence....or he gave it to a 5 year old to tick? Or did it blindfolded.

    Any example where a difficult value judgement is made should be double checked. Though, did Marcos require a huge value judgement?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    "The ECO is encouraged to make quick, pragmatic decisions to resolve applications, .....

    Some of this stuff is quite worrying.
    This too?

  6. #6
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    Also it begs the question, what kind of persons do the UKBA hire? I used to think that Civil Servants were an elite bunch.....

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