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Thread: Philippines not in the UN's Top 100 happiest countries !

  1. #1
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    Philippines not in the UN's Top 100 happiest countries !

    Although Filipinos are generally known to be friendly and hospitable, the UN placed the Philippines as the 103rd ‘happiest’ country in the world, falling below Iraq and Nigeria.

    The Philippine government's latest tourism slogan says "It's More Fun in the Philippines."

    However, out of the 156 countries ranked by the UN, the Philippines was at the bottom half of the first World Happiness Report released earlier this week.

    The Philippines lagged behind its neighbouring Asian countries and territories such as:

    • Japan (44th place)
    • Taiwan (46th place)
    • Malaysia (51st place)
    • Thailand (52nd place)
    • South Korea (56th place)
    • Vietnam (65th place), and
    • Hongkong (57th place).

    China was ranked 112th.

    Still, the Philippines was behind Namibia (97th place), Iraq (98th place), and Nigeria (100th place).

    Ten ‘happiest’ countries

    According to the UN report, the 10 happiest countries are:

    Country *No. of Filipinos in the Area

    1. Denmark 9,401
    2. Finland 2,111
    3. Norway 21,154
    4. Netherlands 19,658
    5. Canada 667,674
    6. Switzerland 19,529
    7. Sweden 13,707
    8. New Zealand 29,699
    9. Australia 345,592
    10. Ireland 13,800
    ( 18. United Kingdom 250,000 )

    The UN study based its ranking on some "external factors" it considered as determiners of happiness:
    • Income
    • Work
    • Community and governance
    • Values and religion

    On the other hand, the UN considered the following as "personal factors" that determined happiness:
    • Mental health
    • Physical Health
    • Family experience
    • Education, and
    • Gender and age

    Read more … but please note - I'm only the messenger for this study - I'm happy as are most of my Filipino and UK friends !

  2. #2
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    They never asked me in a survey. I really wonder how they calculate this...

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Scandinavians are well known to have suffered depression because their level of serotonin, the mood regulating hormone is reduced, during winter

  4. #4
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    I've read this yesterday & wondered I guess for the Philippines despite of the on going 'more fun in the philippines' promo the country has a lot of personal factors issue too. So stressed out with all the high cost of goods, jobless, broken family, coping to finish college & a lot of the new generation are out school. Filipinos just love to smile
    If you can't say something nice. SHUT UP!. Simple.

  5. #5
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    I was surprised to see this report for two reasons
    • Philippines in such a low position
    • Rationale for producing it is obscure
    It must have taken much time to produce, at considerable cost .
    The authors correctly say “ One of the most important aspects is measurement “ of happiness, listing Gallup World Poll (GWP), World Values Survey (WVS), and European Social Survey (ESS).
    They list external factors like income, work, community and governance, and values and religion. Personal factors include mental and physical health, family experience, education, gender, and age. Many of these can have a two-way interaction – health may improve happiness, and happiness may improve health. They think that absolute income is important in poor countries ; in richer countries comparative income seems more important ; basic living standards are essential for happiness, but after that it varies more with quality of human relationships than income.
    One can’t argue with their aims :- high employment and quality work; strong community with trust and respect; improved physical and mental health; support of family life; and a decent education for all.
    Despite all this, in my opinion if a simple poll had been made in which there was one question :- “ Are you happy, Yes or No ? “ the Philippines would have ranked far higher !

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    Scandinavians are well known to have suffered depression because their level of serotonin, the mood regulating hormone is reduced, during winter
    Liverpudlians are well known for depression owing to a lack of success on the football field in their diet during winter.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    Scandinavians are well known to have suffered depression because their level of serotonin, the mood regulating hormone is reduced, during winter
    Yes. Those that are familiar with Norway know that they arent a laugh a minute over there. Perhaps content yes as they have virtually, overall, the best standard of living in the world.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    Scandinavians are well known to have suffered depression because their level of serotonin, the mood regulating hormone is reduced, during winter

    This is really going out at a tangent, but is anyone familiar with the Moomins? These are childrens stories from that part of the world. There is a character from these stories called the Groke, or other names depending on the country, but I digress.
    Anyway, this is basically a hill shaped creature, permanently sad, which can kill by touch and freezes everything it touches - including fires.

    It's been said this character was created, as an anachronism for nordic gloom, the long dark winters.

    On the other hand, they have Ikea, now who could be miserable with all those 70's looking fabrics

  9. #9
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Sorry I know this is going to earn me a virtual spanking, but "It's more fun in the Philippines" - well that sounds more like an advert for going to Subic

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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    This is really going out at a tangent, but is anyone familiar with the Moomins?
    Hadnt heard of them, but I have now. A sort of sad troll from Sweden.

  11. #11
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    I spent a year in Sweden. Siljan Ring. Beautiful and knocks the pants off the Lake District. Norway and Sweden are both beautiful countries.

  12. #12
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    I dont actually equate hot with happy or cold with sad. The average Noggie has a great life, just doesn't have a sense of humour thats all.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I spent a year in Sweden. Siljan Ring. Beautiful and knocks the pants off the Lake District. Norway and Sweden are both beautiful countries.
    I spent some very interesting times in Sweden and Norway.
    Did some work on some Iron ore trains operting in the North. Every winter spent up North in and around Lulea, Kiruna and Narvik.
    Summers spent in Gothenburg and Lillestrom

    That was a good contract and lasted around 4 years.

    Yes, you're right beautiful countries.

    Got some great memories

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I spent some very interesting times in Sweden and Norway.
    Did some work on some Iron ore trains operting in the North. Every winter spent up North in and around Lulea, Kiruna and Narvik.
    Summers spent in Gothenburg and Lillestrom

    That was a good contract and lasted around 4 years.

    Yes, you're right beautiful countries.

    Got some great memories
    Yes. Its a different way of life, yet again. The ski culture is great too.

  15. #15
    Member fluentlee's Avatar
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    Yea really odd. The Philippines usually makes ANY list that involves "happiest people" or "happiest country". Ah well, I'm sure they had their reasons. And despite the list, I still think The Philippines is one of the happiest countries with the happiest people in the world. Hands down.


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