This is what I grew up eating in the Philippines until it comes a lot of different range & nowadays you can even have it anytime of the day. Mostly people who works at night they go straight to their fave Tapsilogan Restaurant after office work in the morning before they go home. Just like me. After a grave yard shift (night shift) I went straight to this pretty cool Tapsilogan Range in Mabolo, Cebu City.

I'm talking about Tapsilog. It is the term used when TAP ("tapa":cured beef), SI ("sinangag": garlic friend rice), and LOG ("itlog":fried egg) are combined into one meal, which is good for breakfast, but can also be served at lunch and dinner. There are other variations of this Pinoy classics but this is the most popular one.

I will explain to you what this plate is all about.

Let's start with the rice. Fried rice is simply day-old rice sauteed in a big saucepan with a piece or two of garlic and oil. Leftover rice is better over newly steamed rice because it tastes better when the humidity of the rice already seeped away.

For garlic fried rice or Sinangag:
* 2 cups of day old rice.
* 5 cloves of garlic (or however you want.)
* onions, chopped.
* Salt and pepper to taste.

For the eggs, they are usually fried but I prefer mine poached (some they prefer scrambled eggs)

Egg or Itlog
* 2 fried eggs

And the main component, the beef tapa. They are thinly sliced beef rubbed with salt & other spices and fried. There are so many different versions of the marinades.

For the meat or Tapa:
* Beef sirloin 1 kg.
* A whole bulb of garlic, minced finely.
* 3/4 cup of vinegar
* 1/4 cup white sugar
* Salt, 1 tbsp.
* Same with pepper, 1 tbsp.

Tapsilog Recipe Preparation - Cooking Instructions:

1). Put all the ingredients together in the meat marinade mix except the meat in a big container or a ziplock.
2). Mix it well, then add meat. Let it marinate for 2 days for best flavour, or 30 minutes if you want to be fast.
3). When done marinating, fry the meat in a pan. Set aside.
4). Make garlic fried rice in same pan. Fry the garlic first, then onions, then rice, add seasonings and garnish with salt and pepper to taste.
5). Serve with an egg of your choice on the side or put it on top of rice.

How to make homemade beef tapa
Try this easy-to-prepare Filipino Food : Beef Tapa.
1 lb beef sirloin, thinly sliced
1 cup soy sauce
3 tbsp minced garlic
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 Clear plastic bag (Ziploc)
Marinating Procedure:
1.In a container, combine soy sauce, garlic, salt, pepper, and sugar and mix well. Set aside.
2. Place the beef in the clear plastic bag
3. Pour-in the the mixed seasonings in the clear plastic bag with meat and mix well
4. Place inside the refrigerator and marinade for a minimum of 12 hours
Cooking procedure:
1. In a pan, place 2 cups of water and bring to a boil
2. Add 3 tbsp of cooking oil
3. Put-in the marinated beef tapa and cook until the water evaporates.
Note: The oil serves as a frying agent. When the water evaporates, the oil is left to fry the meat.

Get to know this breakfast composition. I love it, maybe you will like it too.

Today Good Friday, hubby is at work so I can fry spices like garlic. He dislikes the smell of it just like the smell of frying a dried fish. So for my Brunch today. I thought of a Cornsilog. A combo of sauteed corned beef, garlic fried rice and fried eggs. You may follow the same combo recipes above. I have my corned beef w/ the onions in a micro wave. I didn't fry it. It's just that corned beef here are different & the the tastes is different when I fry it. Again different styles on how to do it.

Anyways, here's the recipe for it


(Sauteed Corned Beef)
1/2 can corned beef
1/2 small onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 potato, diced (optional)
cooking oil

How to cook ginisang corned beef:
1. Heat oil in a skillet, fry the diced potato. Set aside.
2. Saute the garlic and onion until fragrant.
3. Add the fried potato.
4. Then the corned beef. Stir fry for 2-3 minutes.
5. Add the water (amount according to your preference).

Thought of sharing all of the Pinoy Silogs Classics too. Different variations of how to cook your fried rice. It's according to your taste & you may do some experiment out of this recipes. Here it is:


5 links of longanisa sausage
3 eggs
4 cups of left over rice from the previous night
1 cup of water for cooking longanisa
¼ tbsp ground black pepper
2 cloves of garlic
oil for frying
½ tbsp salt
¼ tbsp MSG

Cooking Procedure:
To cook the longanisa sausage:
1. place the longanisa in a frying pan together with the water and place under medium heat until it comes to a boil.
2. Allow the water to evaporate totally until oil starts to ooze from the sausage links. To cook evenly, constantly roll the sausage links and fry for about 5 minutes.

For the eggs:
1. Fried Eggs or beat two eggs like the way you prepare an omelet. Add a pinch of salt to taste then cook in a frying pan. Take out from the pan then set aside.
2. Get another egg and for the sunny side up. Cook using the same pan. Take out when done and set aside. (for a different style)

For the garlic fried rice:
1. break the rice up especially the big chunks and set aside.
2. Put oil in a heated pan and cook the garlic until the color turns golden brown and the aroma is wafting in the air.
3. Add the rice and stir for about 1 minute. Add the MSG, salt and pepper for added flavor.
4. Cook for another 5 minutes stirring constantly to prevent the rice from scorching.
5. Arrange the fried rice, longanisa and eggs in a serving plate and serve while hot


Frozen Marinated bangus (milkfish),
sinangag (garlic fried rice)
pritong itlog (fried egg)
vinegar dipping sauce


*Filipino style bbque Ingredients:
1/2 kilo of pork sliced into slightly thin strips
1/2 cup vinegar
1/4 cup banana ketchup
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp hot sauce (can add more if you want it spicy)
1 can calamansi soda (sprite would do as a substitute)
1 head of garlic crushed
1 small onion minced
a salt to taste

a few tbsp of cooking oil

*garlic fried rice
*fried eggs

1: Combine the liquid ingredients, sugar, onions and garlic and touch of salt to make your marinade.
2: Add in the strips of pork. Let this marinade for a minimum of 1 hour, preferably overnight in the fridge.
3: Make sure you soaked your skewers to prevent them from burning when on the grill.
4: Skewer the meat.
5: Boil the marinade until it's reduced to half. Transfer into a bowl and mix in some oil. You may use half regular cooking oil half sesame oil (about 2 tbsp of each type of oil). Mix them well. This would be a good glaze as we grill the bbq.
6: Grill the bbq over charcoal for a few minutes. Probably would take about 5 minutes on each side. Brush both sides with the glaze to give it some shine and color.
7: Your dipping sauce may just be some spiced vinegar. Crushed garlic, minced onions and chili in some cane vinegar with a few dash of fish sauce and about a tsp of sugar.


Spicy Chicken Wings
Prep and Cooking Time: 50 minutes
3/4 kilo chicken wings
1 cup vinegar
2 tablespoons chopped garlic
salt to taste
1 cup flour
1 tablespoon chili powder
1/2 tablespoon ground pepper
oil for frying
2 eggs, slightly beaten

1. Marinate the chicken in a mixture of vinegar, garlic, and some salt for 30 minutes
2. In a bowl, combine the flour, chili powder, and ground pepper. You can also substitute with a pack of prepared breading mix.
3. Preheat oil in a frying pan.
4. Dip the chicken wings in beaten eggs then coat with the flour mixture.
5. Fry in the hot oil until golden brown. Drain on paper towels.
6. Serve with a sauce of mayonnaise mixed with catsup.


1-3 american hotdogs (it depends on how many you may want)
cooking oil
Fried Egg
Garlic Fried Rice

1. Cut the hotdogs in half and make at least 3 slits on either sides.
2. Heat cooking oil and fry the hotdogs, and once the slits frills out the hotdogs are done.
3. Drain the hotdogs in kitchen paper towels.
4. Arrange your plate with Garlic Fried Rice first, then put Fried Egg on side and 4 pieces of hotdogs next to it.

Have fun cooking with this different types of Pinoy "silogs" classics. Hope you enjoyed it. Good for business too