From your previous posting in another thread:-

Quote Originally Posted by timi View Post
Hi Can anyone recommend an agent who will help with application for visa, ive read posts but a recommendation of an efficient service would be good thanks timi

Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
Most people will prepare and submit their own applications, but hopefully any member who has used an agent will provide some details.

Do remember that the agent will still be asking both you (as sponsor) and your gf (as applicant) for all evidence of financials, accommodations and importantly strong and compelling reasons to return home to Philippines.
As sponsor you will still be advised to submit a good supporting letter.

I agree that if you just don't have time to devote to application preparation etc than an agent can help by clearly outlining exactly what the sponsor and applicant need supply.

Sorry I have no details of a good visa agent in Philippines. Just be sure that the person your take on is experienced with UK VISIT visa's and how to apply to UK immigration law.
Have you considered getting help from a UK advisor?