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Thread: diploma/A1 test requiremnets for settlement visa

  1. #1
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    diploma/A1 test requiremnets for settlement visa

    Hi everyone,my names Dean,ive been reading the forum for a while now, and need a little advice for my fiancee in the philippines,its regarding the requirements for the settlement visa we are applying for,for jhoy my fiancee,she is just about to look into organising for the english language test, A1,but after reading the requirements,we see that a degree is passable in this,jhoy took up a 4 year course in a Bachelors of science in hotel and restraunt and has a diploma/certificate of question is,would this be ok to submit instead of doing the english language test?or should she still do the test just to be on the safe side?little bit about us, i met jhoy a year ago january, i went to bulacan to meet jhoy in september for two weeks,while there we decided i would move there,so in november i left England and spent 3 months living together in this time jhoy became pregnant,so i came back to England on 15th febuary to carry on working as to provide for jhoy and our baby,my first child and jhoys,so both so excited,im 40 and jhoy is 25 and very much in love,desperate for her to be here with me now.hope someone can give a little advice on this question, many thanks

  2. #2
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    Hi Dean, welcome to the forum.

    My advice is to take the English Language Test.

    Yes of course it's possible to 'maybe' be issued with an exemption IF your fiance's degree is actually one of the very few acceptable by NARIC.

    Based on the experience of the majority, you'll find it's quite tricky, time-consuming and expensive to get the 'go-ahead' and paperwork from NARIC.

    Besides which, that A1 level is considered to be quite easy to secure by the large majority. It's actually a very basic level.

    Hope that helps.

    You may consider reading here to review some details about visa application

  3. #3
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    My wife has a similar degree, in Hotel and Restaurant Management. But according to UK NARIC, even though it was taught entirely in English, it is not acceptable by the UKBA for this purpose. There are still fees and waiting time with UK NARIC. Many people say that it is probably easier to just go ahead and take the language test anyway.

    Where did your wife take hers?

  4. #4
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    hi terpe and lastlid, thanks for that i thought might be wise just to do the test anyway,but will advise her to do that,jhoy has better english than me in writing and spelling,so glad its not me that has to take test myself and would fail haha,jhoy did a college course in san jose del monte where she lives,but as you say might be easier just to do the test,as from what i read about it on here and the scores for the test,jhoy should pass them.thanks guys

  5. #5
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    sorry terpe your whole post didnt show up,but i just seen the rest of it, thanks again and will have a read of the link.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Hi, Dean (my son-in-law's name also, as it happens!) ... to the online filipino/uk community.

    Personally ... I think it's NONSENSE that some degrees - despite being taught solely in English - are not recognised for UKBA purposes. Yours and Lastlid's respective wives circumstances are classic examples of the System's stupidity!! Alas ... it seems we're powerless to do anything about this anomaly.

  7. #7
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    Yes. There was someone on here that had a degree in English from a Philippine university and still had to do the English Language Test. Strange but true.

  8. #8
    Respected Member joy_86jm's Avatar
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    Hi Dean , Jhoy still needs to take the exam. I am Math and Physics teacher in phil which am using English for my entire class as medium of instruction. Don't worry the test for sure is very easy though but just tell her to have a review good luck to her

  9. #9
    Respected Member joy_86jm's Avatar
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    Btw, I did mine at Hopkins last Feb at Manila. They are approachable and the result is pretty fast.

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