Without wishing to appear alarmist, probably a sizeable proportion of our membership could be affected to some extent IF these*minimum income proposals get the go ahead. However, I don't think *they're likely to have any bearing on those whose partners have ALREADY settled here.
I'd hazard a guess, though, that around perhaps 90% of the British population will be in favour of ANY measures to curb immigration levels and, of course, this is what the Government is banking on ... seeing them as a way of earning more "brownie points" with the electorate. It's sheer political ruthlessness at the expense of a minority of decent, honest folk who ask for nothing more than the basic human right to have their chosen loved ones join them in what is, after all, their own country.
Thing is, it NEEDN'T be like thatif Oxbridge-educated May - along with her "bool in the mooth" cohorts - were to finally climb down from their ivory towers in cloud
land ... and start using some basic savvy to separate the "sheep from the goats". But will they?