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Thread: He got deported for not knowing Chelsea Team

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Israeli man gets deported because he cant name Chelsea Soccer Squad

    An Israeli Citizen who recently travelled to Britain was quizzed about his status on arrival at Londons Heathrow last Wednesday, UK Immigration staff quizzed him at Heathrow Airport, about his status as a bona fida tourist, Benjamin Lezod a young Israeli student had saved up for 1 year to make a visit to UK, he said he wanted to sight see in London and also go to a Chelsea Football match, Immigration officers who wished to establish the genuiness of his entry to UK as a tourist asked him the following :

    Where is the Chelsea Football Stadium ?

    Benjamin who was flustered and suprised by this, said, in London.

    He was then asked to name the start players, however he could not remember names such as Frank Lampard, Joe Cole etc.

    He was then asked, who is the Managere of Chelsea, he replied Sven Goran Erikson.

    He also stated that he wanted to see Arsenal play as a second choicce, he was asked, to name the location of the Arsenal Stadium, again flustered he told immigration officers, it was Wembley, as he had not got one single question right, he was promptly, refused entry as a tourist and deported back to Tel Aviv.

    On arrival in Tel Aviv his family made a full complaint to the British Embassy, and said that their son was a great Fan of Chelsea, and Arsenal, but that he was taken aback by the intense questioning, and that although there son was always watching the premier league, he was unfamiliar with the individual team members, HM Immigration was then questioned by the Sun newspaper about its role in this matter ,they replied that all those seeking entry to UK are treated with respect however, they could not comment on individual cases, but it seemed clear that on Benjamins application to enter the UK, his reasons for entry did not tie up with his knowledge of the reasons for entry, he was denied as he could not tell officers the location of his intended socccer match visit.


  2. #2
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    they replied that all those seeking entry to UK are treated with respect however,
    I like that bit, I think their meaning of 'respect' differs from ours!

    I wonder if those coming here after the war from the death camps were asked who played for Chelsea!!!

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  3. #3
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    what is this foozball anyway?

    Chelsea has a bridge...

    and arsenal is someone who works for the immigration service yes?

    please, my French is not very good. thank you

  4. #4
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    Bonjour uno (is a crap car....)

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