Hi there!

My apologies if this is in the wrong forum, and/or is covered elsewhere within the site.

Is there a minimum earnings rule for uk supporters of a filipina applying for a fiance visa?

Some background information:

At the moment, I have a minimum annual income of about £10,000.

I have been supporting my gf since December 2004 sending at least P4000 every two weeks, sending more when it has been needed for medical care etc, whilst saving for my visit to Manila in October 2005.

I still live with my parents and they are willing to be co-supporters if it is needed(I read that this is possible). Their home would also be the accomodation for my girlfriend and myself if the application proved to be succseful.

In your opinion, is this a realistic basis for making an application assuming everything else is good so to speak, ie there is proof of the relationship etc?

Any information, tips and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes

