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Thread: A virgin in the philippines

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK
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    A virgin in the philippines

    ‘Three years ago I’d never have given a thought to visiting the Philippines. It wouldn’t have appeared in even my top hundred places to visit. Come to that, I’d never thought of re-marrying.’

    So begins my travelogue, more a diary than a guide book, describing my marriage to a Filipina (by the way, we met through neither a dating agency nor ebay!) and my visits to the country. Lest there should be any doubt, I am the virgin in question though only in a figurative sense. In fact I’m an 80++ years-of-age Englishman though I don’t feel a day over 75!

    The book is an account of the greenest green of the rice fields; of nightmarish criss-crossing traffic, managed it would seem by some master choreographer; of traditional family reunions; of my being refused entry to a Subic Bay hotel room on moral grounds along with my 65-year-old nephew-by-marriage; of advertising hoardings the size of tennis courts; of the eventual sale, after much peasant dealing, of one of my wife’s rice fields; of my election as life President of the Husbands’ Escape Committee; of life in a country town; of being inveigled into having a tooth extracted; of visits to the family mausoleum; of locking myself for hours in a mosquito-infested garage; of the most charming and pleasant people you’d ever meet and that’s just for starters.

    I love the Philippines, the place and the people and I hope it shows though my writing.

    Well, it’s on Amazon UK Kindle now though you can download it to your screen or your iPad or iPhone - and it will appear next week on Smashwords - 40,000 words by WH Johnson for peanuts (77p)! And it’s worth every peanut for Leonardo Malgapo’s cover and illustrations alone. Just a reminder… this is an ebook… it is not in printed book form. If you cannot manage the technicalities of getting the ebook, contact me.

    Find me on or on where there is more detail about the book and my career as a writer.

    In brief, I retired 24 years ago; have written twenty-odd books, both fiction and non-fiction, both traditionally and self-published; I’m a winner of the South East Arts Prose Prize; the National Association of Writers’ Groups gave me their ‘best novel’ award and I’ve found a wonderful wife …and I’m blissfully happy.


  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Apr 2012
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    Well, I did find it interesting - interesting enough to head over to Amazon.

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