thanks Mrs Daddy. although i have searched "spouse visa" pages, i havent seen the thread you mentioned. i'll just have to look harder

yes, Lady J, i have twins but we already have them registered in England. i was told that i can apply for their passports now if i want. so i guess that means they don't have to apply for visa anymore, is that right? they're only 1 1/2 years old.

actually, hubby's plan is to get all 3 of us together when i get my visa, which i haven't applied for yet. the reason behind that is the accomodation. i was told that he has to have a place for all of us ready first. so until he sorted that out, i can't apply for visa yet. he has a 1 bedroom flat and i think that it will be acceptable as "ok" accomodation for both of us but not with the twins. hence my "idea" of going there to help him. i want all of us to be together soon and i guess this is my idea of making it soon .

shall i go for it? more advises please. thank you in advance.