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Thread: Working Tax Credit

  1. #1
    Member Knightc6's Avatar
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    Working Tax Credit

    Hi Everyone,

    Sorry if this question has been already answered, i did a search and found a few things relating to it, but can anyone who has recently applied for working tax credit help with advice.
    I want to claim for it, but the form i sent insists that as i am married, my wife must be on the form. Now Christine doesn't work, and i have filled in her details on the form as my partner and said she doesn't work. I have filled in my part saying i do, but who will the payment name be in? And majorly will this affect an ILR application? we don't have kids so are not claiming child tax credit.
    I haven't sent the form cause i am worried about it. If it affects the ILR in 2 years, I won't claim it.
    Thanks so much to everyone for help.
    John and Christine

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knightc6 View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    Sorry if this question has been already answered, i did a search and found a few things relating to it, but can anyone who has recently applied for working tax credit help with advice.
    I want to claim for it, but the form i sent insists that as i am married, my wife must be on the form. Now Christine doesn't work, and i have filled in her details on the form as my partner and said she doesn't work. I have filled in my part saying i do, but who will the payment name be in? And majorly will this affect an ILR application? we don't have kids so are not claiming child tax credit.
    I haven't sent the form cause i am worried about it. If it affects the ILR in 2 years, I won't claim it.
    Thanks so much to everyone for help.
    John and Christine
    There's no problem as long as you are the named claimant.
    You are a British Citizen and are perfectly eligible and entitled to claim for specified benefits in your own name.

    May I suggest you review this thread which may be useful for your understanding:-

    I hope it is helpful to you.

    If you have a specific question just fire away.

  3. #3
    Member Knightc6's Avatar
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    Thank you Terpe for the information and the link. I will apply for it really appreciate the link and your assistance

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knightc6 View Post
    Thank you Terpe for the information and the link. I will apply for it really appreciate the link and your assistance
    As long as you follow the rules there'll be no problem.
    Just be sure you are the named claimant, even though you apply for the benefit as a couple.
    Many on here have done that.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    and that includes us..
    been confuse and worry as well like you Knight67
    Trust what Terpe says and read the links about your concern..and you'll be fine
    i got enough to worry at the moment
    A place for everything, everything in its place.

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