Now,... going back to the yahoo article citing the 19-year age gap between a Glasgow couple:
Let me tell you about my late wife's brother, Robin (Bob) and his wife, Linda ... who met in 1967, when Bob, an Architect, was already 35 and Linda - his Office Junior - sweet 17. They married the following year ... and will celebrate 44 years of marriage a week today. Come July, she'll be 62 ... then, in September, he will turn 80.
Quite a remarkable achievement- by ANY standards
- let alone for a British couple.
it doesn't bother us a little bit i am proud walking about hand in hand with my hubby....we just laugh every time people ask how old he is and they will know the 19 years difference but hey age is just the number,what matters most is the feelings and respect you had for each other.
I am so glad i had found my bestfriend,my soulmate,my lover and my hubby all in one![]()
Ohh darn it you beat memy gilr is 25 years younger
and honestly we have the same outlook and fun attitiude etc so yeah age is noting we both love each other and thats all that matters.
I guess lot of people get jealous or just stereotyped by what society has conditioned them to believe, but we know better!![]()
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
"It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.
Very true.
Nothing like a gorgeous young lady to keep one 'perked up'.![]()
age is just a number we are all told, its what you feel inside, and i feel GREAT
Good man....and woman.
You are as old as the woman that you feel, so they say....
there is a 27 year gap between me and my wife and i dont give a french connection uk what others think especially as im also going to be a dad again, i wonder what my grandchildren will think
Thing to remember with age gaps, is that most couples, the gap is just a couple of years. It's no accident, because what attracts people together in the first place, might have been that they met at school (so obviously similar year), or out in town (40 year olds don't frequent the same clubs as 22 year olds normally - they have more bloody sense) etc.
It's also because relationships can be about shared experiences, and that means very similar age. You can't talk about Thatch, Duran Duran, big hairstyles etc with a 20 year old, because she'd be hard pushed to remember anything before dance rave music.
This is why when you look at most average couples, there is a very small age gap.
Then, you have to consider other things. Just as for many people, we are attracted to the same sort of person - for others, then the opposite can attract. I know enough people with big age gaps to know this........and we are talking about both uk people.
There are other instances - sometimes it is cultural - where women prefer older men and will seek this sort of relationship. As many on here will know, this is not unusual with SE asia ladies to want older men.
Sometimes this is the issue of these women just looking for a financial way out of a bad place - the proverbial mail order bride. For this reason, some people have an issue about this. It is a shame that it makes "proper" couples who are together for real love, look bad. It makes some people think he is just some dirty old man with a temper problem who can't get a girlfriend in his own country (unfortunately I know some also fitting this description)
With age gaps, you have to always consider, when one partner is retired, maybe 70, 80, might be incontinent, if the gap is so big, then the other might still be in the prime of life, wanting to go out.
This is why someone once said to work out the maximum normal age gap, to half your age and add 7.
Well even that is arbitary, and although it might be a guide, for others it's a load of rubbish.
What really counts is this
First -that it is an equal relationship and there are no power games. So that means that it isn't some power one over the other - one just wanting a route out of the shanty town for example. I mean - that they are together because that is the man/woman they want to share their life with
Second - that both partners have considered the age gap and what it really means. If it is so big, that there won't be issues later in life as the example I gave.
And really, if both of those simple things are satisfied, then it is no-ones damned business but theirs, and the couple shouldn't give a rats ass what anyone else thinks.
That 45 year old guy walking around with a 20 year old, all the other guys would like to be him tonight, and the other women will be thinking that he must have something special to offer, and will remember that when they go to their potbellied tattoo'd husband tonight, as he's sitting there farting on the sofa.
What matters most is compatibility. The norm is 2 year age difference, but that is irrelevant if it isn't right for the two of you. In the end, it is what the two of you think that really matters
Hummm... Me and my partner got 20 years difference... And it never bother us at all... Not even other people's opinion about our age gap... I think the worst opinion toward us is not our age gap but our status...(bcoz we are both separated) its more on between us, how we treat each other... He been patient with me and very supportive... I wouldn't trade my relationship with him with a younger guy who have no sense of responsibility and backbones.
So as long as you know what you feel towards each other I guess nothing really matter outside your reationship
I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing, through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, keep your chest out, keep your head up and handle it...
Yes, this is something I have often heard, especially with SE asian ladies saying why they want an older man who will be a real man and look after her.
Age gap? Meh, you can be sure she loves you for you (and as I've said elsewhere, you can tell deep down if something is right or not)
What matters is that both partners go into it with eyes open, know the advantages and disadvantages, and if the age gap is really big, that at some point, one of them will feel older.
Get over that, and it's all goIt's no different from a couple the same age. Yes there will be more shared experiences and outlooks, but there will be other problems, there always is in every relationship.
You always have your ups and downs, but if you feel right together - it is absolutely no-one else's damned business, and they're probably only jealous anyway![]()
Don't know about what se Asian girls prefer... But I said my opinion about age gap based on my own personal experience... I been married to a younger scot guy, I work fair to be with him, but treated like a .... ( excuse my word pls) and been steriotype by his family...
Now I'm with my new partner I also work, look after our baby and him... He treated me like his wife and never did he stereotype me about anything .....
Just my own opinion![]()
I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing, through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, keep your chest out, keep your head up and handle it...
Missionary is not so good when you're tall and she's short.
I either get backache or she has only my hairy chest to snog not quite true.![]()
I was thinking about this yesterday, cos some workmates were btching about age gaps.
I don't notice the same narrrow minded-ness in the Philippines.
Is this more of a problem in the UK than the Philippines?
Or is it just becuase I don't understand Tagalog?
Interested to hear any Filipinos / Filipinas comment on how their countrymen view age gaps in RP.
There are busybodies everywhere who see it as a 'problem'.
Like a lot of things, it's normally THEIR problem, not yours.![]()
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