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Thread: "Getting tired of this waiting game"

  1. #1
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Arrow "Getting tired of this waiting game"

    Another day had passed and no postman arrived, eventhough I have been told that they take 13 weeks to process a fiancè visa, I am still hoping that they would accelerate my application. In the mean time I am gaining "happy fats " for I am getting anxious and impatient (been raiding the fridge). What to do...what to do...? Been out riding my bikey...lie down and read a munch*grunch*, chat with Mom (thanks God Voip exist otherwise I will be spending a fortune calling her in US), called friends, surfing the net got tired watched a movie...dinner time...made me self a bowl of salad and omelette...talked with Bubu(fiancè)...sigh*. I just can't wait that all of this are over and I can finally function properly.
    RAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Should I write a letter or send another email again? I don't know, I've been fighting this urge for I fear that they might get cross and compromise my application...halp! halp!

  2. #2
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    It will all have been worth it in the end.......... you'll see...

    We are waiting for Jet to get her passport back, after having her name changed.
    After that it will be calling the Embassy and arrange for an appointment to drop the various documents........
    And whatever else.....
    Then we will start waiting in earnest............ too.
    Always wondering wether the visa will be issued.....

    I don't see why not.

    Good luck............

  3. #3
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    It will all have been worth it in the end.......... you'll see...

    We are waiting for Jet to get her passport back, after having her name changed.
    After that it will be calling the Embassy and arrange for an appointment to drop the various documents........
    And whatever else.....
    Then we will start waiting in earnest............ too.
    Always wondering wether the visa will be issued.....

    I don't see why not.

    Good luck............
    Thanks Aromulus! My mind has been full all about those "if"s. What if they refused it? what if they take more time to process it? I have thought why would they not grant me a visa, been reviewing in my mind all the requirements I passed...I don't think I have missed anything...Worst scenario, me and fiancè will be staying here for our honeymoon and he will fly back in UK alone.and me here waiting for the visa....This is really a pain in the ****.
    Thanks again.

  4. #4
    Respected Member silver13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    Thanks Aromulus! My mind has been full all about those "if"s. What if they refused it? what if they take more time to process it? I have thought why would they not grant me a visa, been reviewing in my mind all the requirements I passed...I don't think I have missed anything...Worst scenario, me and fiancè will be staying here for our honeymoon and he will fly back in UK alone.and me here waiting for the visa....This is really a pain in the ****.
    Thanks again.
    Patience is a virtue. I agree that in the end it will all worth the waiting game i am more impatient between me and Paul, a typical Aries but i tried to be positive. I can not think of any documents lacking in my application too so we are hoping for a positive result. We are not only the one who undergone this kind of situation At the moment, just enjoy your time with your family and friends
    CPLURLTC Care, Patience, Love, Understanding, Respect, Loyalty, Trust & Concideration / Compassion Are all the values Me & Anilyn hope to give each other, sometimes we may both fail, but we will always try, I am sure most of u in here are the type to do the same with their loved ones.

    Ingat Paul & Anilyn

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    Another day had passed and no postman arrived, eventhough I have been told that they take 13 weeks to process a fiancè visa, I am still hoping that they would accelerate my application. In the mean time I am gaining "happy fats " for I am getting anxious and impatient (been raiding the fridge). What to do...what to do...? Been out riding my bikey...lie down and read a munch*grunch*, chat with Mom (thanks God Voip exist otherwise I will be spending a fortune calling her in US), called friends, surfing the net got tired watched a movie...dinner time...made me self a bowl of salad and omelette...talked with Bubu(fiancè)...sigh*. I just can't wait that all of this are over and I can finally function properly.
    RAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Should I write a letter or send another email again? I don't know, I've been fighting this urge for I fear that they might get cross and compromise my application...halp! halp!
    Hi Peanutz! I know how you really is very tiring and pretty boring to be waiting and not sure what the outcome would be. But patience girl, like what the others had said, it pays off in the end. God bless and good luck!
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  6. #6
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    Another day had passed and no postman arrived, eventhough I have been told that they take 13 weeks to process a fiancè visa, I am still hoping that they would accelerate my application. In the mean time I am gaining "happy fats " for I am getting anxious and impatient (been raiding the fridge). What to do...what to do...? Been out riding my bikey...lie down and read a munch*grunch*, chat with Mom (thanks God Voip exist otherwise I will be spending a fortune calling her in US), called friends, surfing the net got tired watched a movie...dinner time...made me self a bowl of salad and omelette...talked with Bubu(fiancè)...sigh*. I just can't wait that all of this are over and I can finally function properly.
    RAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Should I write a letter or send another email again? I don't know, I've been fighting this urge for I fear that they might get cross and compromise my application...halp! halp!

    Hiya Peanutz.... i undersrand how you feel... with mixed emotions... but in the its worth the wait....
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger@tigress View Post
    Hiya Peanutz.... i undersrand how you feel... with mixed emotions... but in the its worth the wait....

    Thanks guys, I know that you are right in the end its worth the wait!
    Bubu(fiancè) is coming over this weekend,ooooraaaah!

    We will stay for a weekend in Lake Garda, I will take some pics of that beautiful lake and post it here soon-ish.

    Baci to everyone!

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    how long have you been waiting peanutz ?

    when my wife appiled for a spouse visa, after a few weeks, i got her to call the embassy, they told her they still wating for police reports, more weeks passed, i told her to phone again, same answer,more weeks passed, and she phoned again, same answer, well i emailed the brit embassy, kept getting replies of different people , or auto reply saying they were away for the next few weeks , it was near 3 months, and after me not getting any where for weeks, i finally cracked, and emailed everybody and heads of dept at the british embassy, telling them, i had been messed around for many weeks, i just wanted a reply, so if your going to reject her app, so i can start appealing now

    i got an email within hours, which was forwarded to me, it was from a manager , telling a collegue that it looked 'like i was having a hard time, and could he help me out' within hours my wife got a call to go and pick her pass ports up .. why the hell it take near 3 months, and when i complained it was done in hours ...

  9. #9
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    how long have you been waiting peanutz ?

    when my wife appiled for a spouse visa, after a few weeks, i got her to call the embassy, they told her they still wating for police reports, more weeks passed, i told her to phone again, same answer,more weeks passed, and she phoned again, same answer, well i emailed the brit embassy, kept getting replies of different people , or auto reply saying they were away for the next few weeks , it was near 3 months, and after me not getting any where for weeks, i finally cracked, and emailed everybody and heads of dept at the british embassy, telling them, i had been messed around for many weeks, i just wanted a reply, so if your going to reject her app, so i can start appealing now

    i got an email within hours, which was forwarded to me, it was from a manager , telling a collegue that it looked 'like i was having a hard time, and could he help me out' within hours my wife got a call to go and pick her pass ports up .. why the hell it take near 3 months, and when i complained it was done in hours ...
    I filed my fiancè visa online last March 30, I send it the next couple of days, after 15-17 days it returned back to me stating that I enclosed a wrong fee since the new fee was applied on April 1 2007. I wrote an email letter asking if I were eligible for the old fee since I applied when the old fee were still valid. I had a reply from them telling me that I am eligible for the old fee and adviced me to re-send my application once more, I turn over my application right after I recieved their reply dated April 30. After a month without hearing anything from them May 30, I emailed again and told them my situation, that I am about to get married on July 16 and me and fiancè are hoping to be able to fly back together in UK after we got married and to be able to organize our honeymoon and my moving in UK, I politely asked if there is any further documentation needed or any advice that may help to accelarate my visa, I got a reply saying that they take 13 weeks to process a fiancè mention of advice or any.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    I filed my fiancè visa online last March 30, I send it the next couple of days, after 15-17 days it returned back to me stating that I enclosed a wrong fee since the new fee was applied on April 1 2007. I wrote an email letter asking if I were eligible for the old fee since I applied when the old fee were still valid. I had a reply from them telling me that I am eligible for the old fee and adviced me to re-send my application once more, I turn over my application right after I recieved their reply dated April 30. After a month without hearing anything from them May 30, I emailed again and told them my situation, that I am about to get married on July 16 and me and fiancè are hoping to be able to fly back together in UK after we got married and to be able to organize our honeymoon and my moving in UK, I politely asked if there is any further documentation needed or any advice that may help to accelarate my visa, I got a reply saying that they take 13 weeks to process a fiancè mention of advice or any.

    says it all, 3 months is just tooo long , esp when you been messed around to.
    well you didnt have to pay the new amount , i didnt know you could apply online , iam sure the new prices started 2/4 not the 1st as thats april fools day here , also i dont think they should have sent you app back, they should have sent you a letter telling you to pay the new price with in i think it was 2 or 4 wks, or they would reject it..

  11. #11
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    I filed my fiancè visa online last March 30, I send it the next couple of days, after 15-17 days it returned back to me stating that I enclosed a wrong fee since the new fee was applied on April 1 2007. I wrote an email letter asking if I were eligible for the old fee since I applied when the old fee were still valid. I had a reply from them telling me that I am eligible for the old fee and adviced me to re-send my application once more, I turn over my application right after I recieved their reply dated April 30. After a month without hearing anything from them May 30, I emailed again and told them my situation, that I am about to get married on July 16 and me and fiancè are hoping to be able to fly back together in UK after we got married and to be able to organize our honeymoon and my moving in UK, I politely asked if there is any further documentation needed or any advice that may help to accelarate my visa, I got a reply saying that they take 13 weeks to process a fiancè mention of advice or any.


    Since it was their mistake that my documents were sent back to me due of the wrong fee which it turns out that I am still eligible for the old one, I think that they also have to put that in consideration.

    Which is not happening. An applicant has no voice in this.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post

    Since it was their mistake that my documents were sent back to me due of the wrong fee which it turns out that I am still eligible for the old one, I think that they also have to put that in consideration.

    Which is not happening. An applicant has no voice in this.

    I don't know the quantity of fiancè visa application they recieve here in Italy, but it really makes me think, if an ECO have to decide an application he/she dedicate 30/60 minutes of his/her time in one application and the further confirmation of other submitted documents may take how long? one month? I am having a hard time to think why a single application takes 13 weeks to be decided? supposed to be that all my documentation are produced here, my marriage announcement from the local registrar office, my salary pay slips, house documents and etc. are all produced here. Is it odd that a Filipina at the age of 35 is not yet married?

    A voi la risposta.

  13. #13
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    I don't think it is odd to find an unmarried 35 year old filipina...

    My Jet is 36 and she was unmarried before i came along...
    What i never came across before is.............. An Italian speaking Filipina...

    Buona fortuna, carissima.... Vedrai che prima o poi il Visto lo prendi...

  14. #14
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I don't think it is odd to find an unmarried 35 year old filipina...

    My Jet is 36 and she was unmarried before i came along...
    What i never came across before is.............. An Italian speaking Filipina...

    Buona fortuna, carissima.... Vedrai che prima o poi il Visto lo prendi...
    Hehehe, grazie carissimo Aromulus! Me ne ero rassegnata di diventare una zitella quando ad improvviso il mio Principe cavaliere fece il suo apparizione nella mia vita ed presa dalla immensa gioia colui che mi ha fatto sentire amata non avevo perso tempo di dire "SI" ad una vita insieme per sempre. Eccomi ad aspettare il grande evento della mia vita, il momento che non credevo di poterla vivere, ancora un pò di pazienza è tutto sarà finita e finalmente insieme!
    An Italian speaking Filipina a status quo che sai benissimo che non è facile aqcuisire, con tanta fatica e difficoltà sono riuscita ad elevare il mio status quo da un semplice operaia immigrata extra-UE in ITALIA! Comunque bando alle ciancere sono contenta di averti conosciuto, grazie di cuore!

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    italian speaking pinoys.. what next polish speaking scouse , worse than that a welsh speaking scouser

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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    italian speaking pinoys.. what next polish speaking scouse , worse than that a welsh speaking scouser

    The next is Pinay speaking Mancs and Scouser!!!

    errrrmmm, I doubt I would learn those, Bubu is English!!!

  18. #18
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    Scancs & Mousers.....a blend of hooligans & thieves
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  19. #19
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    kumusta po kayeh eh eh eh eh calm down calm down

  20. #20
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    WOW!!! ate peanutz teach me a little italian words...LOL
    i only know a little of spanish (mom's side), korean and japanese

    thank you po! =]

  21. #21
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    kumusta po kayeh eh eh eh eh calm down calm down

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