Jack Binns is a retired history teacher whom I know personally. He taught, and I learned, at the High School here. Of course I have " The History of Scarborough ", one of several books written by him.
For the record, I'm joint author of a book on the history of Scarborough Hospitals ( not available on Amazon ), and have given countless talks to Scarborough groups and societies on the history of the town - donating all money received to the local hospice and Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

EVERY member is welcome to the weekend ! If you can't come, please at least be positive and support my efforts ! No one is under pressure to come.
I have no doubt it will be enjoyable. The point is to meet other members. It's not to be put on the defensive about my local knowledge, or receive lectures on Scarborough !
I will update members on the arrangements nearer the time. Some are already committed to travel considerable distances.