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Thread: Urgent Help Please - advice on marriage license etc

  1. #1
    Member brocky's Avatar
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    Urgent Help Please - advice on marriage license etc

    Argh! its all so confusing..So, I have my UK CNI (which the registry office assures me does NOT expire), and I have an appointment at the embassy in just over 2 weeks for local CNI. But, I need to apply for a marriage license while I am there. My fiance works in manila and boards there, but lives in Bicol and thats where we will be married. The questions:

    1) Can I get a license in Manila or does it have to be Bicol
    2) How and where to get license anyway? Is it a typical "all-day" filipino queuing job?
    3) My fiance is 23 so I believe we have to attend a marriage seminar. Is this a prerequisite for the license?
    4) as for 2 - how and where to apply for the seminar.

    My apologies for so many questions, but I have read so much conflicting advice elsewhere on t'internet, and with such limited time I need to get things right.



  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Your UK CNI is ONLY valid for 3 months for the Philippines from the date of your interview and process in the UK registry office. If you were marrying in another country, it may be different, but you have 3 months ONLY, remember that 21 -22 days are taken in posting here in the UK before you get it.

    When you make an appointment in Phils UK Embassy, they then exchange for a local CNI. You then need to go to your local municiple (Bicol) to get your local marriage licence and (if necessary) do the marriage guidence seminar (at the local municiple). It takes 10 days to get the local licence to marry so gives you time to do the seminar.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
    Member brocky's Avatar
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    noooo... thanks for the response Steve - however, I got this from the UK embassy's CNI guide notes:

    • Original UK-issued CNI, or original Notice of Marriage, issued by the British Embassy abroad. Please note that a CNI issued in Scotland should be presented to the British Embassy Manila within 3 months of it being issued.

    kinda implying that only scots CNI need to be within 3 months?

  4. #4
    Member brocky's Avatar
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    ah....and speaking of the embassy's guide notes, I've just noticed that in this year's it appears a CENOMAR is now also required - this from section A for UK applicants:

    • CENOMAR with details matching those on birth certificate and, if detail/s on birth certificate differ/s from those on the passport, another CENOMAR matching the details on the passport.

    still, at least I don't have to take a phils driving test for a marriage license - yet...

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brocky View Post

    at least I don't have to take a phils driving test for a marriage license - yet. ..
    ... not YET! "Yet" being the operative word! But the constantly-changing "red tape" is enough to drive anyone

  6. #6
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brocky View Post
    noooo... thanks for the response Steve - however, I got this from the UK embassy's CNI guide notes:

    • Original UK-issued CNI, or original Notice of Marriage, issued by the British Embassy abroad. Please note that a CNI issued in Scotland should be presented to the British Embassy Manila within 3 months of it being issued.

    kinda implying that only scots CNI need to be within 3 months?
    Steve is correct your'e uk Cni is only valid for 90 DAYS in the phils


  7. #7
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    Hi, the CNI situation is more to do with local requirements in that it expires and not UK laws. So it won't say it on the CNI etc. But it definately is only valid for 3 months for use in the Philippines.
    The CENOMAR is easiest obtained from here and get it delivered to your fiance's address in the Philippines and give her mobile number, and then it'll give you a reference number so she can pay for it at the bank. Once she pays it'll take about 2 or 3 days for delivery. If you pay by credit card it will only deliver to the UK and it'll take ages.

    When you go for the conversion of the CNI, if you're a bit early (advisable with Manila traffic), there is a Mcdonalds and coffee shop in McKinley just up the road where you can wait out, and there is also a taxi rank there for getting back so no need to pay extra for a taxi to wait outside the embassy.

    With regards the marriage license and the seminar, I'd recommend your fiance to take a trip out on Monday to the local city hall to find out the local requirements. These can vary from place to place.

  8. #8
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    As already mentioned the CNI is available from your local registry office. It takes 22 days from time of application. It's 21 days for the 'bans'.
    For Philippines the CNI has only 3 months validity from date of issue, so don't get it too early.

    I suggest you always check for the latest information for paperwork needed etc but in principle to apply for the Marriage License in the Philippines you should consider having the following:-

    Your birth certificate
    Your passport
    Your C.N.I.
    Your NSO CENOMAR (if needed, please check well beforehand)
    Your Divorce decree asbsolute (if applicable)

    Certificate of 'Pre-Marriage Seminar' (if needed, please check well beforehand)

    Her N.S.O. birth certificate (This should be fresh from NSO on latest type of security paper. Check)
    Her Passport (or other appropriate ID)
    Her Barangay clearance (if needed, please check well beforehand)
    Her community tax certificate (often called Cedula)
    Her postal I.D. Address
    Her Parents signed advice form (for under 25 years)
    Her Parents I.D.

    Apply for the marriage license in your fiancée's home town (or locality of where marriage will take place)
    You will most likely also be requested to attend that previously "Pre-Marriage Seminar" counselling sessions prior to being allowed to be married. Do check and ask when you apply for the marriage license

    After you apply for the license there is a mandatory 10 day waiting period while the marriage banns are published

    Hope this helps you

  9. #9
    Member brocky's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the help guys...and please dont take this is as a rebuttal, i just thought it might help anyone in the same position. I lodged the query with the embassy and they replied:

    "Your UK-issued CNI is valid for 12 months from the time it was issued. Yes, you we will accept it. No need for apostilled.

    Yes, we would also require you to submit a CENOMAR, reason is we would also like to know if you have never been married here in the Philippines. Maybe your fiancée can help you request from the NSO (National Statistics Office) here in the Philippines."

    So looks like they've eased the 3-month rule...wait, something made easier? hehe, that cant be right!


  10. #10
    Member brocky's Avatar
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    ps. needless to say I shall be printing their email and take that along with me..

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by brocky View Post
    ps. needless to say I shall be printing their email and take that along with me..
    British Embassies are renowned for adding a few wrinkles on advice. (imo)

    Seriously though, you must take that e-mail from the embassy. In case of problems you can rest assured that the Embassy does have a 'workaround', but as always these decisions are solely discretionary.

    Forearmed is forewarned.

    UK issued CNI's have varying validity depending on the country in which you intend to convert to the 'local CNI'

    In principle a CNI has no set validity under the UK law.

    But to the very best of my knowledge and experience, I have to say that it has always been considered the case that a CNI issued in the United Kingdom should be presented to this Embassy within 3 months of it being issued. Whether this is dictated by local requirements I don't know.
    But certaininly, the Philippine authorities will not accept a CNI which was issued by the British Embassy more than three months before its presentation to them.
    This is the same case applied to most countries that require CNI

    Hope this helps
    Good luck

    However, having said all that, the the really important factor is the local CNI, and that has 3 month max validity. (The Embassy WILL confirm that)

  12. #12
    Member brocky's Avatar
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    thanks for the advice Terpe...much appreciated. Anyway, fiance is now enroute to Bicol to check up on the license/seminar requirements. 12 hours on a coach to cover 130-ish miles ...hehe, and we think the M25 is a nightmare...

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    I know it's approx 200 miles from Manila to Naga City...cos I've driven it.

  14. #14
    Respected Member DeltaRomeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Your NSO CENOMAR (if needed, please check well beforehand)

    Her Barangay clearance (if needed, please check well beforehand)
    A CENOMAR for myself? I have onlyvisited the Philippines once so far.
    Just researching what we will need later in the year... to get our own marriage licence.

    with these 'if needed's - where or who will we find that requirement information from?

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    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaRomeo View Post
    A CENOMAR for myself? I have onlyvisited the Philippines once so far.
    Just researching what we will need later in the year... to get our own marriage licence.

    with these 'if needed's - where or who will we find that requirement information from?
    The 'if needed' comments are simply because there are so many variations depending on where you plan get married. Some folks will say certain documents are not needed and others will say they are needed. The objective should always be to enjoy a smooth process with no delays and unexpected expenses etc.

    Your fiancee will be the one to find out. Usually by securing information about what is required for a marriage at the place where you will actually get married.

    The best and safest strategy of course is to get all those documents anyway regardless of what anyone tells you.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by brocky View Post
    Argh! its all so confusing..So, I have my UK CNI (which the registry office assures me does NOT expire), and I have an appointment at the embassy in just over 2 weeks for local CNI. But, I need to apply for a marriage license while I am there. My fiance works in manila and boards there, but lives in Bicol and thats where we will be married. The questions:

    1) Can I get a license in Manila or does it have to be Bicol
    2) How and where to get license anyway? Is it a typical "all-day" filipino queuing job?
    3) My fiance is 23 so I believe we have to attend a marriage seminar. Is this a prerequisite for the license?
    4) as for 2 - how and where to apply for the seminar.

    My apologies for so many questions, but I have read so much conflicting advice elsewhere on t'internet, and with such limited time I need to get things right.


    Scouring the UK Home Office website, it-appears the quicker-route is-to apply-for-visa on-line; 'they' do the admin'-process & my Filipino-fiancée attends-in-person for living-fingerprint & photo ID.

    There is-a 22-day 'waiting-period' if we marry here-in the-UK; unclear if the 22-days starts when she lands in-Manchester [where I live &-am registered on local Electoral-Register].

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by LastToKnowMovie View Post
    Scouring the UK Home Office website, it-appears the quicker-route is-to apply-for-visa on-line; 'they' do the admin'-process & my Filipino-fiancée attends-in-person for living-fingerprint & photo ID.
    Online application for UK visa in Philippines is the ONLY route.

    There is-a 22-day 'waiting-period' if we marry here-in the-UK; unclear if the 22-days starts when she lands in-Manchester [where I live &-am registered on local Electoral-Register].
    That 22 day period is for the banns. It begins when you first notify the appropriate authorities for marriage.

  18. #18
    Member brocky's Avatar
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    Ah ok Graham, 200 sounds more like. Have to admit I always fly - only 45 minutes that way. And you're a braver man than I driving over there ...and I used to race cars! Always wondered why there arnt any manila taxi drivers in F1 - they'd be brilliant finding their way through the mayhem off the startline...

  19. #19
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    Yes, I've flown too (Naga City)...and been on the bus before they built the present improved highway, and even on the train (17 hour nightmare ).

    I only race cars on Shift2 and Forza4 here:


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