maybe she just said that because we try harder to make our skin fairer/whiter as we Filipino find it beautiful and attractive someone that has a whiter complexion so i also wonder sometimes what foreigner really likes about us is it really the skin color or the way we are?maybe she herself find it ugly based on skin color...having a fair complexion in the Phil really makes you look richer and very beautiful set an example that all those popular tv icon are half breed mostly having a foreign father... actually i am as well as wondering about some irony about skin color like we in the Philippines we find someone that is white very beautiful as naturally we are brown in nature while in here (england) all products i could see is tanning they really find it very very attractive to have brown skin ...and they making there white skin brown they love being brown and darker...same for me i find whiter people attractive ....i guess we just like and want the things we don"t have