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Thread: Looking For a Friendly Advice!!!!

  1. #1
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    Question Looking For a Friendly Advice!!!!

    Hello members of FilUk Forum
    I am Filipina and I am here in UK for a holiday on a tourist visa ..I came here last 4th of March and I thought it would be a wonderful holiday but it turned out to be a nightmare!!!...
    My partner had a check-up just a day after I arrived here, regarding his lump on his right side of his neck and it turned out to be cancer..2nd stage...We were both devastated with the result coz he was still on his recovery from his triple bypass 10 mos ago...and we thought after his heart surgery , he will be back to normal..
    From the day we've known about his cancer, our life became miserable everyday but I tried my best not to show my emotion to give him moral support and to keep him strong...he will have his first chemo on the 20th of April...his doctor said....3 session's for chemo adn 7 weeks radiotherapy...
    The problem now is this; I am here only for a 6 mos. tourist visa until August..but I am here only for a holiday until 4th of May and need to go back in Thailand my work . I've been working in Thailand for 5 years and with a work permit. The reason why I was granted a tourist a visa is because of my work permit and my certificate of employment. I need to go back to Thailand just before the school opening which will be on the 18th of May.But my partner is not allowed to travel because of his intensive medication to save him from his cancer..He don't want me to go back and likewise...I don't want him to be by himself with all these medications and pain he's going thru.
    If I will not go back to Thailand now , I lose my job, by the time I need to go back to Thailand at the end of my 6 mos visa..I will not have my work permit and will be back to a tourist visa until I will be granted fro another work permit which will take another 6 mos to 1 yr processing of visa run.
    For this reason alone, not having a work permit, I will not be granted another tourist visa for UK.
    At this point in time, I am on the turning point of my job and my partner...I can give up my job if I can stay here for a long period of time until he is able to come back to Thailand with me .
    Looking forward for a friendly advice..Thank you so much to those who will take their time reading my post...God Bless...

  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    Hi Elida, and welcome to the forum.

    It's a little late to get replies now, but I'm sure you will be able to get good honest advice here if you look in tomorrow.

    Take care, and I wish you both the best of luck.

    Whatever you do, DON'T overstay your visa !
    Better to apply for extension, giving your genuine reasons for asking.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hello Elida
    Welcome to the forum.

    I have no idea on how to tackle your problem but hopefully somone will.

    I hope your partner has a speedy recovery.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Firstly let me say how sorry I felt reading your story. I hope your partner will respond well to the treatment and make a good recovery.

    Turning now to your immigration status, I have to inform you that the tourist visa is for a maximum of 6 months.
    Additionally, it is not a visa with any eligibility for switching to a different category. Means that before expiry you must return home.
    Furthermore, since you will not normally be allowed to spend more that 6 months in any 12 months period in UK, you will be unable to immediately apply for another visit visa.

    A long distance relationship is not easy to manage and emotions get stretched all ways.
    You're both finding the current situation especially heart-rending, but my advice to you based solely on the information you supply, is to return home to your job and then work out another strategy that will allow you both to be together again under better circumstances.

    You haven't mentioned the exact nature of the relationship, or if there has been any consideration of marriage, or even if you are both free to marry. But it may be possible to make application for settlement visa. (spouse or fiancee)

    Please do think carefully about the decisions you make and the likely outcomes. Immigration issues are usually better ruled by the head than ruled by the heart. I'm sure neither of you want to do anything that will increase stress and worries and add unecessary complications.

    I wish you good luck whatever you decide.

  5. #5
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Hello Elida, im sorry to hear of your situation, as a cancer survivor myself of over 2 years now since having cheemo, its a tough time ahead for you both, i understand you wont want to leave your partner, but please dont break the rules regarding your stay, if you do you risk any future chance of a visa,
    my heart goes out to you both along with my prayers, be strong

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