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Thread: Any Fiancée Visa applied last week of March

  1. #1
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    Any Fiancée Visa applied last week of March


    Is there anybody here applied Fiancée Visa last week of March?

    I applied last March 28 and I still keep crossing my finger for my visa.

    Please update me if anybody who is here waiting for their visa also.

    Or message me and let's hold each others hand full ourself with positive hopes. Ease each others worries... be my friend and let's have reunion in UK and have karaoke together for celebration for our new journey. hehe

    We build circles of friends. No more possible home sick and we make UK as Philippines.hehe

    God Bless Us....

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    3wks is nothing, some people (me for one) had to wait 3 months, just becuase someone was lucky to get a visa in a fews days doesn't mean tht becuase you've waited 3wks or months that you have a greater chance of being refused. some people are just very lucky to get the result quickly.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Gretta's Avatar
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    Hello. I applied my fiance visa last Mar. 27...but I'm still waiting for the result. It's really taking so long. Sometimes I get anxious about what's going on my application. Loads of things are running around my head. Especially about the documents I submitted. But I'm confident that I submitted all (mostly) the needed documents and supporting papers. Sometimes waiting is a bit frustrating:(

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by she-von View Post

    Is there anybody here applied Fiancée Visa last week of March?

    I applied last March 28 and I still keep crossing my finger for my visa.

    Please update me if anybody who is here waiting for their visa also.

    Or message me and let's hold each others hand full ourself with positive hopes. Ease each others worries... be my friend and let's have reunion in UK and have karaoke together for celebration for our new journey. hehe

    We build circles of friends. No more possible home sick and we make UK as Philippines.hehe

    God Bless Us....
    Friends of ours applied in early April and have their Fiancee visa already. I think there is a bit of luck involved on times for results to come out

  5. #5
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    3wks is nothing, some people (me for one) had to wait 3 months, just becuase someone was lucky to get a visa in a fews days doesn't mean tht becuase you've waited 3wks or months that you have a greater chance of being refused. some people are just very lucky to get the result quickly.
    Thank you for your advise joeblog, you pure allot of hopes in my heart...

  6. #6
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    I mean pour allot of hopes in my heart.

  7. #7
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    Hello. I applied my fiance visa last Mar. 27...but I'm still waiting for the result. It's really taking so long. Sometimes I get anxious about what's going on my application. Loads of things are running around my head. Especially about the documents I submitted. But I'm confident that I submitted all (mostly) the needed documents and supporting papers. Sometimes waiting is a bit frustrating:(
    Hello Gretta,

    Thank you so much for replying on my post. Let's update each other ok...? Let's hold hand crossing finger while waiting... Hope everything is ok. I hope this is not the hindrance to be with our love one. Me too, I have worried because I have one document that I missed to have because of my last minute attitude of my lovedab. He missed to give me the Notice of Marriage from the Register's Office because of his flight going to Philippines and no time to wait. But we made letter of explanation why we don't have it with his signature just for my common sense idea. huhuhuhuhu I hope it works... I hope everything is ok.

    What visa did you applied Gret?

  8. #8
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    Friends of ours applied in early April and have their Fiancee visa already. I think there is a bit of luck involved on times for results to come out
    Thank you for your post lastlid,
    Your right. she pour so much luck... I wish Gretta and I are bless also... I hope everything is ok.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Gretta's Avatar
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    Hello. I applied for Fiance/Proposed Civil Partnership Visa. I was granted a tourist visa last year and I've been able to live with my fiance in the UK for for duration of my stay. I came back home last Dec and start gathering docs for my fiance visa application. Hope our visas will be granted very soon as I am a bit anxious about why it's taking so long. But I have no choice but to wait and pray fervently for the success of my application. Faith and patience are the things we need to possess right now. I know everything has a reason. I lift everything to God who strengthens be. I hope that the ECM will be able to assist our application soon and will get the result approved!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by she-von View Post
    Thank you for your post lastlid,
    Your right. she pour so much luck... I wish Gretta and I are bless also... I hope everything is ok.
    Yes. It doesnt mean its a bad sign if its delayed. It just means your's has sat lower down in the pile. That's my theory.

  11. #11
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    Yes. It doesnt mean its a bad sign if its delayed. It just means your's has sat lower down in the pile. That's my theory.
    Yes lastlid, I better think that I wont feel upset. And be more positive. And during my application time it's really heavy applicants... To much queued. My application is piled down. hehe

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