you've a right to claim what ever benefits your entitled to, and where your wife is from shouldn't matter at all (is that not discrimination ? )
gWapito i'm against people abusing the system, infact i think if you've not paid in, you can't take out of the system.
the gov if it does go ahead will open a big can of worms, it will face many court cases, and judicial reviews, it will either U turn or it will be forced into changing the figure to a lower figure. The gov has arecord at winning immigration cases, it was forced into lower the age back to 18 from 21, it was forced into cancelling the COA (cert of approval) if you wanted to get married, but this is a bigger ball game than them and bigger than the pasty tax
Mark Samworth, who heads Samworth Brothers which owns the Ginsters brand, gave £100,000 to the Tories, between the announcement of the VAT change in the budget and the government’s volte face on Monday.
maybe everyone on here and other forums similar could have a whip round and make a donation the gov will change their mind to about the minimum income![]()
Yes. I saw Dedworth's posting on that. I just find the pasty thing quite funny.
You are right, of coursealthough it pains me to say it.
I think lastlid copied and pasted something earlier yesterday and it makes sense....well, it does to me.....the consensus being, implementing this proposal, wont work.
Again there are far too many other injustices going on for it to you said 'discrimination' .
Others on here have said it would/ could be a vote winner..quite its been said before...the genuine law abiding immigrant getting tarred with all those EuroTrash.
The stories in the papers dont help there cause.
at least he had a backbone unlike most PM's and MP's these days
ade still about (going around England's countryside) , not seen much of Rik thou, they met at University of Manchester
it looked like someone else said YES,YES, YES![]()
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