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Thread: Soy Sauce

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    G.B. (IOM)
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    Soy Sauce

    I was in the local NHS doctors surgery today. I discovered one of the receptionists a bit surly and recognised that as being similar to the mainland UK. Anyway, while I was waiting I browsed through a few leaflets and found one on salt that said it isn't good to take too much soya sauce as it contains a fair amount of salt.

    Now this was something I didn't know, although I suspected it might be the case. Since I am quite partial to soy sauce on rice I have felt for a while that I needed to investigate further. And since my wife arrived we have tended to eat more dishes that require soya sauce.

    Now I know. And a quick google revealed the following:

    This is the body whose pamphlet was in the NHS surgery.

    "Soy sauce is widely regarded as a salty food, and that perception is correct, since it's not unusual for a tablespoon of soy sauce to contain 1,000 milligrams of sodium. ("Salt" and "sodium" can be used pretty much interchangeably in this context, since table salt is composed of sodium and chloride; it's the sodium part that is involved with health problems in salt-sensitive individuals.) It's true that 1,000 milligrams of sodium is a large amount. In fact, it's nearly half of the recommended limit for sodium intake in an entire day".


  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Salt and MSG is forbidden inside my kitchen , so my alternative in all my recipes is soy sauce and fish sauce
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Salt and MSG is forbidden inside my kitchen , so my alternative in all my recipes is soy sauce and fish sauce
    Who does the forbidding?

    Are you saying the hubby forbids it so you bung in the soy sauce instead?

  4. #4
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    I've got soy sauce with Calamansi in! Only thing I put salt on is fish & chips or maybe a little if a recipe requires it.

  5. #5
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    "Kikkoman soy sauce contains a large amount of sodium per serving -- 920 mg, or 38 percent your maximum daily sodium intake of 2,400 mg. The Mayo Clinic suggests keeping sodium intake to 1,500 mg, especially if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease or diabetes. Sodium can increase blood pressure, which can damage blood vessels and increase the risk of developing heart disease. The Mayo Clinic recommends avoiding any foods that contain more than 200 mg of sodium per serving. Because the sodium count of soy sauce is so high, use it sparingly and occasionally rather than as a regular condiment, and don't use it at all if you have any risk factors."

    Read more:

  6. #6
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    When I use Soy Sauce I leave salt out of the cooking.

    I've tried to bring my son up being used to no added salt on his food, and it seems to have worked.

    He's also never been given Coffee or Tea, and now he chooses never to drink those either.

    What you've never had you don't miss I guess.

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