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Thread: Why should anyone have to pay to stay in the uk

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    - if I could take out an Irish one I would now, handy to have a bolthole when we become a Muslim state......
    I thought you were Norwegian

  2. #32
    Respected Member John_10's Avatar
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    Both my parents were Irish past away now though, My two sisters were born in Irland me here in the Uk. can I register for Irish Citizenship. if so wish I had known ealier as Maricris my wife has been waiting for 4 weeks so far to hear about her visa.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by John_10 View Post
    Both my parents were Irish past away now though, My two sisters were born in Irland me here in the Uk. can I register for Irish Citizenship. if so wish I had known ealier as Maricris my wife has been waiting for 4 weeks so far to hear about her visa.

    It looks like you qualify

    If you were born outside of Ireland, and one or both of your parents were born in Ireland, then you are automatically an Irish citizen from birth, and you do not need to apply for Foreign Births Registration. You can apply directly to the Irish Passport Office in London for an Irish passport. Their telephone number is 0207 373 4339 or email the office.

  4. #34
    Respected Member John_10's Avatar
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    Thats great news thanks Dedworth

  5. #35
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Probably best to let the appeal go through (and everything invested so far) and then go for an Irish passport if all else fails.
    Your right Graham but once again it does me off that you play by the rules and you get knocked back. I think I'll apply for an Irish passport if only to prevent me having to pay these again if the appeal fails. A small price to pay I think to cover yourself.

  6. #36
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    I think I'll apply for an Irish passport if only to prevent me having to pay these again if the appeal fails. A small price to pay I think to cover yourself.
    Well ... ... it'll do no harm, Marco; indeed, it can only do [at least] some good!

  7. #37
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rusty View Post

    But another view is that, for some, the amount that could possibly be claimed in benefits once they are here would soon pay for any visa fees. For example, since my wife, our son and her son have arrived here, I have been able to claim child benefit and tax credits, which over time will be be more than I paid in fees.
    but as a British Citizen you should be able to claim them benefits, you've paid your taxes over your working life, if someone from Poland can claim those benefits after working here a few months, i'm sure everyone would agree a Brit should..

    also the proposed changes of the minimum income is that you would need to earn so much, that you wouldnt be entitled to many benefits. totally unfair and unacceptable that this wouldnt effect europeans in the UK but would punish Brits.

    i'm amazed people put up with this , how many here who it effects wrote to their MP? if it effected me i would, i've just given O2 a , just gave RBS a to for blocking my debit card, next inline is worldpay these have really wound me up

  8. #38
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    My 2 cents:

    - Why change the passport? You could just move to another EU country and apply for a EEA permit there. Getting to grips with the local language, foreign bureaucracy, habits and culture certainly is an experience (I hit the UK near Glasgow 9 years ago - I always had to ask 3 times until I understood what people were talking about! And now I miss the accent... )

    - It's the same injustice in other countries: E.g. in Germany a fiancee visa costs as well, and it takes 8 freaking months to process

    - I'd happily pay for a UK visa if it got my little ones here

    - But yes, visa fees should cover their costs if they are not free, not be some random sum to appease Sun "readers"

    - I think EEA permits take longer than UK Visa? Attorney said 2-3 months minimum, while I read about UK visas sometimes only take a few weeks?
    Last edited by sm1971; 3rd May 2012 at 06:36. Reason: fixing errors

  9. #39
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sm1971 View Post
    - I think EEA permits take longer than UK Visa? Attorney said 2-3 months minimum, while I read about UK visas sometimes only take a few weeks?
    it should not take longer at all, infact family permits are supposed to be treated as a priority by the embassy over other types of visa's, even the settlement visa

  10. #40
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    Wow agree. I only just found this out.

  11. #41
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    And there's me thinking it was to limit people trafficking!

    Have to agree we are simply being bled because "they can" and we want it, we are the low hanging fruit easy to bleed dry of our hard earned.

    My directive is to leave the uk as soon as possible take my tax anywhere where it may be used constructively (if that's possible) but for me just be able to not look at newspapers/news and have to read about all this crap..

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Takenoprisoners View Post
    I have come to the conclusion there is a massive injustice in settling in the UK...
    ABSOLUTELY CRAZY.....IT MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL....!!!!!!!!! The governments an ASS.......

    Don't get so animated - try going to Manila for the 2 year allowed.. at around P4500 every 59 days! better still.. apply for a residents visa!

    Every country wacks the visa fees.
    I moved to Australia in 2008 - after starting the process in June 2004 and waiting to qualify THEN the visa cost AU$27500 + a AU$10,000 bond held for 10 years.
    At the time the exchange rate was 2.4 $ per £1 now its 1.5 - £1 and the visa fees have increased!

    The immigration systems are not a farce as you say.. every country has them and from the "white western" countries point of view its to control "terrorism" and immigration quota.
    Australia is under an invasion just now.. boat loads of so called asylum seekers come in illegally in small boats. These people have done what i cannot afford to do and that's travel from Africa and /or the Middle East - overland all the way to Jakarta in Indonesia.. stay there for months waiting for a place on a boat.. then pay around US$3000 per person.
    When they get here after processing they are given an house.. and about $700 every two weeks.. Medicare and other benefits.
    They claim they want to work to pay for their new life and family.. facts only 25% ever look and find any work - the other still live far better than a shanty in a dust bowl country! AND they smile on camera and say how good it is to send money to their family still at home.. from the benefits they get!!

    There is growing unrest and sadly its directed at any person with brown skin and most don't know the difference between philipina and Taliban!

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arturo View Post
    Don't get so animated - try going to Manila for the 2 year allowed.. at around P4500 every 59 days! better still.. apply for a residents visa!

    Every country wacks the visa fees.
    I moved to Australia in 2008 - after starting the process in June 2004 and waiting to qualify THEN the visa cost AU$27500 + a AU$10,000 bond held for 10 years.
    At the time the exchange rate was 2.4 $ per £1 now its 1.5 - £1 and the visa fees have increased!

    The immigration systems are not a farce as you say.. every country has them and from the "white western" countries point of view its to control "terrorism" and immigration quota.
    Australia is under an invasion just now.. boat loads of so called asylum seekers come in illegally in small boats. These people have done what i cannot afford to do and that's travel from Africa and /or the Middle East - overland all the way to Jakarta in Indonesia.. stay there for months waiting for a place on a boat.. then pay around US$3000 per person.
    When they get here after processing they are given an house.. and about $700 every two weeks.. Medicare and other benefits.
    They claim they want to work to pay for their new life and family.. facts only 25% ever look and find any work - the other still live far better than a shanty in a dust bowl country! AND they smile on camera and say how good it is to send money to their family still at home.. from the benefits they get!!

    There is growing unrest and sadly its directed at any person with brown skin and most don't know the difference between philipina and Taliban!
    I fully agree with you

  14. #44
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    Yep, good post Arturo.

    (Pity the ozzys didn't learn from our stupidity ).

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Yep, good post Arturo.

    (Pity the ozzys didn't learn from our stupidity ).
    I know they're sometimes a bit slow but didn't think they were that stupid - having that awful Welsh woman in charge can't help. My mate's over here in Aug I'll get the full SP from the man on the ground then

  16. #46
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    Funnily enough, my best friend, a long time resident of the Philippine on his UK passport, has been thinking of picking up the Irish passport that he is entitled to.

    There may be a possible snag, though - Ireland does not maintain an Embassy in Manila - there is an honorary Consul-General only.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arturo View Post
    Don't get so animated - try going to Manila for the 2 year allowed.. at around P4500 every 59 days! better still.. apply for a residents visa!

    Every country wacks the visa fees.
    I moved to Australia in 2008 - after starting the process in June 2004 and waiting to qualify THEN the visa cost AU$27500 + a AU$10,000 bond held for 10 years.
    At the time the exchange rate was 2.4 $ per £1 now its 1.5 - £1 and the visa fees have increased!

    The immigration systems are not a farce as you say.. every country has them and from the "white western" countries point of view its to control "terrorism" and immigration quota.
    Australia is under an invasion just now.. boat loads of so called asylum seekers come in illegally in small boats. These people have done what i cannot afford to do and that's travel from Africa and /or the Middle East - overland all the way to Jakarta in Indonesia.. stay there for months waiting for a place on a boat.. then pay around US$3000 per person.
    When they get here after processing they are given an house.. and about $700 every two weeks.. Medicare and other benefits.
    They claim they want to work to pay for their new life and family.. facts only 25% ever look and find any work - the other still live far better than a shanty in a dust bowl country! AND they smile on camera and say how good it is to send money to their family still at home.. from the benefits they get!!

    There is growing unrest and sadly its directed at any person with brown skin and most don't know the difference between philipina and Taliban!
    Excellent post ...we got some balance, at last.

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