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    Some thoughts

    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    hi everyone, i hope u have a good day!

    Im Kimmi, 25 yrs. old and a filipina..I was searching on the net on ways on how I can get a successful fiancee visa in UK and then i found this site..I am glad that I logged in and i do enjoyed reading threads here and of course I do hope that soon I'll be the one posting a successful fiancee visa too..This is really a great site!

    Btw, here's my story..Ive met my bf on the net last March 17, 2007 and from then we chatted almost everyday using the yahoo messenger..and talked sometimes using the phone connected to the ym..
    We also applied for a visit visa last May 2007 so I can go and visit Scotland for a holiday and since we havent meet yet we cannot apply for a fiancee visa right away and unfortunately my application was denied..We were really upset that time so we tried to look for another ways for me to be there..
    When we look at the UKVACS requirements for the fiancee visa it says there that we need to meet personally, so he needs to come here in the Philippines since I was denied for a visit visa.

    He will come here in August 6, for a 10day holidays..and we already booked at the hotels and planned what we're going to do..but still we dont have enough idea yet on what we need to prepare for my applicaton..

    The questions we have in mind is these:

    1. He will be here for 10days by next month, will it be enough to show as an evidence that we meet personally?
    2. About the evidence of being together, like the pictures, does he really need to have pictures with my family members and with our engagement?
    3. What is better, to marry here in the Philippines or in the Uk for secure aproval of my visa?considering the fact that he can only stay here for almost 8days and the processing for the civil wedding is almost two to three weeks because of the marriage license..
    4. Will it affect my application for a fiancee visa because I have been denied for a visit visa before?
    5. Is it ok if I apply for the fiancee visa let's say by September 2007 after we meet?and our relationship is only 6 months by there any time frame a relationship should be before aplying for a visa?

    These questions really makes us worry and since I do not have anybody here to ask about that..
    I really need ur help in enlightening me and my fiance with this matters..

    Anyways, Thank u to everybody who made this site possible..A big applause..It really made filipino - british relationship easier..Thanks and more power!

    Hello Kimmi,

    Thanks I'm having a good day. Hope you are too.

    Just a few extra quick comments regarding your original questions. I've just got my Fiancee visa for my indended, so here is what I discovered.

    We too tried the "visit visa" route. Forget it, it will never work. Go for the Fiancee visa.

    I would say probably yes. I had made two visits to the Philipinnes when I applied, one of 18 days and one of 14 days and that was enough.

    Definately as many pictures of you two together as you can get. If you have any other pictures with your family etc then include them also. I would say the more the better.

    But you also need to prove you are having a relationship. YM is great, but it's free, but unless you are logging all the sessions, then you have no record that they happened to show to the Embassy. The usual kinds of evidence they ask for is minimum 3 months phone records and letters showing correspondence between you both.

    If he is only there for 10 days then I don't think you could get the formalities done in that time to marry in Phili, so looks like a UK wedding to me.

    No, it should be fine. We ended up having 2 failed visa visa applications before we discovered this site, and we still managed to get our fiancee visa on our first attempt without any trouble. Didn't even need an interview.

    Don't think there is any set time limit. Just whenever you think you are ready.

    Good luck and hope you get your visa soon


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by briank View Post
    Hello Kimmi,

    Thanks I'm having a good day. Hope you are too.

    Just a few extra quick comments regarding your original questions. I've just got my Fiancee visa for my indended, so here is what I discovered.

    We too tried the "visit visa" route. Forget it, it will never work. Go for the Fiancee visa.

    I would say probably yes. I had made two visits to the Philipinnes when I applied, one of 18 days and one of 14 days and that was enough.

    Definately as many pictures of you two together as you can get. If you have any other pictures with your family etc then include them also. I would say the more the better.

    But you also need to prove you are having a relationship. YM is great, but it's free, but unless you are logging all the sessions, then you have no record that they happened to show to the Embassy. The usual kinds of evidence they ask for is minimum 3 months phone records and letters showing correspondence between you both.

    If he is only there for 10 days then I don't think you could get the formalities done in that time to marry in Phili, so looks like a UK wedding to me.

    No, it should be fine. We ended up having 2 failed visa visa applications before we discovered this site, and we still managed to get our fiancee visa on our first attempt without any trouble. Didn't even need an interview.

    Don't think there is any set time limit. Just whenever you think you are ready.

    Good luck and hope you get your visa soon

    hi Brian,

    thanks for ur reply about my queries it do really helps me and my fiance a lot..I am really disappointed when i've learned that I am refused for a visit visa, so that we decided that he should come here but because of his work he can only stay for 10days..and we're worried if he's stay will be enough for me to apply for a fiancee some of the documents since i already have all the requirements needed from him because ive already applied visit visa before and we only need to prepare my documents and of course the evidence that we've meet already..

  3. #3
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by briank View Post
    Hello Kimmi,

    Thanks I'm having a good day. Hope you are too.

    Just a few extra quick comments regarding your original questions. I've just got my Fiancee visa for my indended, so here is what I discovered.

    We too tried the "visit visa" route. Forget it, it will never work. Go for the Fiancee visa.

    I would say probably yes. I had made two visits to the Philipinnes when I applied, one of 18 days and one of 14 days and that was enough.

    Definately as many pictures of you two together as you can get. If you have any other pictures with your family etc then include them also. I would say the more the better.

    But you also need to prove you are having a relationship. YM is great, but it's free, but unless you are logging all the sessions, then you have no record that they happened to show to the Embassy. The usual kinds of evidence they ask for is minimum 3 months phone records and letters showing correspondence between you both.

    If he is only there for 10 days then I don't think you could get the formalities done in that time to marry in Phili, so looks like a UK wedding to me.

    No, it should be fine. We ended up having 2 failed visa visa applications before we discovered this site, and we still managed to get our fiancee visa on our first attempt without any trouble. Didn't even need an interview.

    Don't think there is any set time limit. Just whenever you think you are ready.

    Good luck and hope you get your visa soon


    just wanna ask if i apply for a fiancee visa, will it be affected by my denied application of visit visa?hope u can enlighten me..


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post

    just wanna ask if i apply for a fiancee visa, will it be affected by my denied application of visit visa?hope u can enlighten me..

    Hi Kimmi,

    Not in my experience. I too had a denied visit visa application when I applied for our Fiancee visa. You have to mention that you had the failure on the form, but it made no difference in out case. We still got the Fiancee visa without any problems.

    Good luck with your application.


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