thanks to everyone who agreed with me. i didn't mean and i didn't point my finger in particular to kimmi although i have posted it in her thread. my mistake is, i should have posted my comment on a new thread. i was just curious and i wonder what their parents think about their decision. was it disrespect to them? or are they even concerned about it? philippines is not really known to most people here. they know nothing about our culture. most of them don't even know where in part of the world philippines is. We should at least be known for our good filipino women values. moreover, i don't think the relationship will end up in a good marriage if it's the woman who usually chase the man.
anyway, thanks to kimmi for guessing that maybe i am a teacher. a values education teacher maybe? but i'm not and i never wanted to. i have no job right now but i used to work in accounting in phil and im taking up computerised bookkeeping right now. also driving lesson. hope to get a job soon if got lucky with the help of God.