Wow!This site is more exciting than I ever thought
Pretty hot here, huh?
I wonder what will happen next. But the3n I hope it will end up with sweet revenge...errrrr...I mean...sweet reconciliation between Hilda_Danao and young Kimmi
. After all, it's just a product of misunderstanding???
For Kimmi, I know this is an unsolicited advice but I think you already read what you want to read, knew what you need to know and it's really up to you what to do as to whether you want him to come in the Philippines first (after all, he don't need a visa to come to Philippines if onlyh for a short visa e.g. 2weeks). But you may want to consider that if he visited you first... you have all these opportunities to show him who you really are in person, your families, our culture, our food. It's the best time to rediscover your rapport, chemistry and compatibility. I'm saying this because I had my first British friend to come in the Philippines and dude, he didn't want to eat any food we served to him. My mum is a good cook and it's insulting! He just want bottles of mineral water and fried rice in his entire visits. He didn't even spent a penny for my parents when we had our lunch at McDonalds. Well...he did pay for my meal but...
he has to show off sometimes, atleast to my parents. He put me off and I never spoke to him again
Btw, Hilda_Danao can I add you in my buddy list. I am interested on your Computerized Bookkeeping Course. I am an Accounting graduate myself and want to gain certific8 in that field from this country.
Peace men!Peace!Spread the love