how long for thou, i'll give her til the end of July

DAVID Cameron has backed his under-fire Home Secretary Theresa May with a vote of confidence as pressure mounts over her handling of the Abu Qatada case.

Downing Street confirmed that Mr Cameron had telephoned Ms May to tell her that her job is safe, amid fears the radical Muslim cleric may be released on bail, again, while his appeal to the European Court of Human Rights is heard.

The Home Office rearrested Qatada on Monday night believing his window to appeal to the European Court had closed, only to be told by Strasbourg that he still had 24 hours, and his lawyers made contact two hours before the deadline.

The Home Secretary refused to answer questions on the issue as she attended a Stonewall event on gay rights yesterday.

The UK government has said it will resist any applications for bail made by the cleric.