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Thread: Pinay girlfriend desperate to get married.....

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HACHE Pinay girlfriend desperate to... 24th April 2012, 16:47
sars_notd_virus I'm afraid she should go back... 24th April 2012, 17:32
grahamw48 You want an honest answer ? ... 24th April 2012, 17:47
HACHE Thanks for the advice mate.... 24th April 2012, 17:56
HACHE Thanks for the reply, Yeah I... 24th April 2012, 17:50
Terpe If her college is really... 24th April 2012, 21:22
Moy very well said ... 24th April 2012, 21:23
grahamw48 Good post. :xxgrinning--00xx3: 24th April 2012, 21:26
HACHE Fantastic post Terpe, thanks... 24th April 2012, 21:56
joebloggs there are victims on this... 24th April 2012, 22:13
zaxy Best to wait and see if she... 24th April 2012, 22:46
London_Manila All the women i know in the... 25th April 2012, 01:56
lastlid I am not certain that this... 25th April 2012, 06:19
malditako agree....if we can just go... 25th April 2012, 07:10
raynaputi Same with me Grace! :D 25th April 2012, 09:25
London_Manila I have never met one in the... 26th April 2012, 01:57
raynaputi Stop generalizing..I know... 25th April 2012, 09:24
London_Manila Ok not all but i would still... 26th April 2012, 02:00
Steve.r You use a big brush there... 25th April 2012, 09:45
London_Manila It may seem like a big brush... 26th April 2012, 02:02
stevie c It seems you don't know many... 25th April 2012, 18:53
sars_notd_virus Thats like me saying '' All... 25th April 2012, 23:18
joebloggs :icon_lol: not sure about... 26th April 2012, 00:32
London_Manila I like visiting the... 26th April 2012, 02:05
fred In my case your statement is... 26th April 2012, 05:29
London_Manila Some pinoys find out that the... 27th April 2012, 02:42
HACHE Thanks for all replies guys,... 25th April 2012, 19:33
grahamw48 Good that you know that your... 25th April 2012, 19:41
HACHE Of course, yes I have my eyes... 25th April 2012, 20:00
Steve.r Good to think you are not... 25th April 2012, 20:11
HACHE Well, rightly or wrongly in... 25th April 2012, 20:21
Steve.r Dont worry about being single... 25th April 2012, 20:58
South-east boy She hasn't seemed to have... 25th April 2012, 21:23
South-east boy She hasn't seemed to have... 25th April 2012, 21:23
sars_notd_virus Arguments is not a good start... 25th April 2012, 23:24
hawk as the saying goes a wife,s... 25th April 2012, 21:15
HACHE Well, its funny you say that,... 25th April 2012, 21:35
grahamw48 10 years ? The guy is... 26th April 2012, 10:15
London_Manila 10 years in the philippines... 27th April 2012, 02:50
grahamw48 . ...Probably caught it too.... 27th April 2012, 08:57
zaxy london_manila may i ask why... 27th April 2012, 18:01
London_Manila I spend a lot of time in the... 28th April 2012, 01:21
London_Manila Oh dear it looks like you... 28th April 2012, 01:14
imagine your sums dont add up :D or... 28th April 2012, 01:20
London_Manila Oh really so how old am i... 28th April 2012, 01:23
imagine my mistake i read ur 39 posts... 28th April 2012, 01:25
HACHE Ah well, there are a few... 10th May 2012, 16:20
London_Manila She is only playing up now... 10th May 2012, 19:20
HACHE It's a fair point. I fell for... 10th May 2012, 19:27
malditako I can imagine how you feel... 13th May 2012, 09:41
HACHE Thanks for the reply. You're... 19th May 2012, 12:39
raynaputi Hi Hache..well she clearly... 10th May 2012, 17:39
HACHE And I'm thinking you don't... 10th May 2012, 17:48
grahamw48 What's the far as... 10th May 2012, 18:31
HACHE Told her the other week no... 10th May 2012, 18:44
Dedworth She needs to shape up or ship... 10th May 2012, 18:46
RickyR Everytime I see a post by... 11th May 2012, 21:02
Dedworth :appl: Well said Ricky 11th May 2012, 21:29
grahamw48 Totally agree. Those dens... 11th May 2012, 22:12
fred :icon_lol:... Nice one! 12th May 2012, 05:00
joebloggs maybe this will be you in the... 12th May 2012, 07:17
London_Manila Excuse me :yikes: I am not... 12th May 2012, 03:08
joebloggs did your Doctor g/f make a ... 12th May 2012, 05:15
London_Manila Of course there are a lot of... 13th May 2012, 02:05
bigmarco Don't know why you bother... 13th May 2012, 03:26
RickyR Well, LondonManila, I'm... 12th May 2012, 07:01
grahamw48 That was BEFORE I got married... 12th May 2012, 09:59
grahamw48 You'll be able to visit her... 19th May 2012, 13:36
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  1. #1
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Good to think you are not rushing into this HACHE, pressure is not good. It does sound like you have already made your mind up to me. She must understand that whatever she does, it has to be right, not convienient.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Good to think you are not rushing into this HACHE, pressure is not good. It does sound like you have already made your mind up to me. She must understand that whatever she does, it has to be right, not convienient.
    Well, rightly or wrongly in my life I've always been over cautious, guess thats why I am still single.
    She's turning the heat up as I write, with texts....

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Dont worry about being single I only married my wife last year and I am 45. Plenty of time to find the 'right' one
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #4
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HACHE View Post
    Of course, yes I have my eyes open.
    The odd things about all of this, it leads her to get a bit waspy...." if you're not willing to help me then I can't do much"...I decide to ignore a text as nothing I will say will be want she wants....and what she doens't get, is bringing more pressure and having a go wont bring me round by pressure, it just underlines even more in my mind that it maybe not for squeeze a bar of soap too hard, rather than keeping it more, it jumps out more....
    She hasn't seemed to have thought things through clearly. Have you explained that it's not possible to do what she wants, because of the reasons Terpe mentioned above even if you did decide you would marry her? I like you wouldn't like to be pressured to marry and would only want to by my own choice, like you say it doesn't feel right when you are not ready.

    I don't agree with what London_Manila says. Sure it is true for some, but I know a lot that would love to live back there and my girlfriend is quite happy to stay there for the rest of her life if it came to it and would only come here to be with me. Again, not every Filipina has to or wants to leave just so they can provide for the family, yes a lot do, but not ALL. A lot of them that do leave would prefer to stay, but sometimes have to leave so they can earn more abroad to provide for their family. It's not easy living apart from your close family.

  5. #5
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HACHE View Post
    Of course, yes I have my eyes open.
    The odd things about all of this, it leads her to get a bit waspy...." if you're not willing to help me then I can't do much"...I decide to ignore a text as nothing I will say will be want she wants....and what she doens't get, is bringing more pressure and having a go wont bring me round by pressure, it just underlines even more in my mind that it maybe not for squeeze a bar of soap too hard, rather than keeping it more, it jumps out more....
    She hasn't seemed to have thought things through clearly. Have you explained that it's not possible to do what she wants, because of the reasons Terpe mentioned above even if you did decide you would marry her? I like you wouldn't like to be pressured to marry and would only want to by my own choice, like you say it doesn't feel right when you are not ready.

    I don't agree with what London_Manila says. Sure it is true for some, but I know a lot that would love to live back there and my girlfriend is quite happy to stay there for the rest of her life if it came to it and would only come here to be with me. Again, not every Filipina has to or wants to leave just so they can provide for the family, yes a lot do, but not ALL. A lot of them that do leave would prefer to stay, but sometimes have to leave so they can earn more abroad to provide for their family. It's not easy living apart from your close family.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HACHE View Post
    Of course, yes I have my eyes open.
    The odd things about all of this, it leads her to get a bit waspy...." if you're not willing to help me then I can't do much"...I decide to ignore a text as nothing I will say will be want she wants....and what she doens't get, is bringing more pressure and having a go wont bring me round by pressure, it just underlines even more in my mind that it maybe not for squeeze a bar of soap too hard, rather than keeping it more, it jumps out more....
    Arguments is not a good start in a relationship ..most probably a sign of things to come
    obviously , i dunno the woman but am afraid it sounds like 'bail out time for me...but then I am not always right like my husband
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  7. #7
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    as the saying goes a wife,s for life not just for christmas it takes time to build a relationship and it takes one wrong one to distroy it if i had used my head in stead of my heart love tends to make us make missjugements but thats another path you make in time if your girl is the one rushing into married life will not make a good choice good luck on your choice

  8. #8
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    Well, its funny you say that, about her not thinking things through, because of her situation of being married is a big spanner in the works anyway.... I've got another thread on the very subject...
    I do think with my head rather than my heart ( though the heart does play a part in making things muddy and hard emotionally), always have done....firstly, the viability( being able to anyway), the time it takes to dispell any doubts we have, and build the relationship., then we plan the the long term if we come through those...
    But I just don't feel right when someones trying to push this aside because of their own agenda....

  9. #9
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    10 years ?

    The guy is only a learner.

    Yes, I can well understand why anyone would want to leave London...and not just the Pinoys.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    10 years ?

    The guy is only a learner.

    Yes, I can well understand why anyone would want to leave London...and not just the Pinoys.
    10 years in the philippines and over 30 years in south east asia

    i have been there seen it and done it

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    10 years in the philippines and over 30 years in south east asia

    i have been there seen it and done it
    ...Probably caught it too.

    I've been going to Asia since I was 4 years old.
    So what.

    Best you stick to the sex tourist forums I reckon, where you can chat about Pattaya, Angeles City etc to your hearts content.
    My last waste of words on you.

  12. #12
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    london_manila may i ask why you join this forum as most the member that joined got a wife who if filo or enganged to one and just want advice about visa or any help at all but all u seem to be doing is telling not date a filopina as she only want a visa to be here.

    I think u actually lonly and heart broken as your wife left you and still not got over it maybe you should get some help?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by zaxy View Post
    london_manila may i ask why you join this forum as most the member that joined got a wife who if filo or enganged to one and just want advice about visa or any help at all but all u seem to be doing is telling not date a filopina as she only want a visa to be here.

    I think u actually lonly and heart broken as your wife left you and still not got over it maybe you should get some help?
    I spend a lot of time in the philippines and i am intrested in anything to do with the philippines

    surely this forum welcomes single guys aswell

    heart broken far from it i was divorced over 10 years ago and actually enjoy the freedom i have now

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    ...Probably caught it too.

    I've been going to Asia since I was 4 years old.
    So what.

    Best you stick to the sex tourist forums I reckon, where you can chat about Pattaya, Angeles City etc to your hearts content.
    My last waste of words on you.
    Oh dear it looks like you have reverted to making assumptions again !

    I dont pay for sex and i have no intrest in places like pattaya or angeles city

  15. #15
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    10 years in the philippines and over 30 years in south east asia

    i have been there seen it and done it
    your sums dont add up or you lie about your age

  16. #16
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    Oh really so how old am i then ?

  17. #17
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Oh really so how old am i then ?
    my mistake i read ur 39 posts thinking it was your age

  18. #18
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    Ah well, there are a few posts on this thread...maybe a bit "off-topic" though..

    Anyway, update of my situation. Alot of silly arguments...if I don't text her the right thing, if I don't reciprocate the way she expects..all these crazy accusations that I am "pushing her away"'s times like this I question "is this the way of the future?" she gona give me a hard time like this out of absolutely nothing, just barely trivial stuff and its not the first.
    I think she's panicking, know she's running out of time, and perhaps frustrated that I am not giving her "direction" in our relationship....What I keep saying, now I am fed of of petty arguments about stupid things she should never be bothered about...and how on earth am I gona make a long term plan based on this rubbish going on??? I think I am treating ( with a hell of alot of patience) this like a relationship here, where I spend time trying to see if there's potential, but this isn't on her priorities, it doesn't matter, she just "needs" to stay....

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by HACHE View Post
    Ah well, there are a few posts on this thread...maybe a bit "off-topic" though..

    Anyway, update of my situation. Alot of silly arguments...if I don't text her the right thing, if I don't reciprocate the way she expects..all these crazy accusations that I am "pushing her away"'s times like this I question "is this the way of the future?" she gona give me a hard time like this out of absolutely nothing, just barely trivial stuff and its not the first.
    I think she's panicking, know she's running out of time, and perhaps frustrated that I am not giving her "direction" in our relationship....What I keep saying, now I am fed of of petty arguments about stupid things she should never be bothered about...and how on earth am I gona make a long term plan based on this rubbish going on??? I think I am treating ( with a hell of alot of patience) this like a relationship here, where I spend time trying to see if there's potential, but this isn't on her priorities, it doesn't matter, she just "needs" to stay....
    She is only playing up now because you are not playing ball with her

    What with tougher immigration rules about to kick in for domestic workers in the uk then there will plenty more of this to come.
    They cant stay here legally anymore and thats where you come in

    She is demanding and hassle now so the last thing you want to do in marry her

    Dump her now and let her find another victim

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    She is only playing up now because you are not playing ball with her

    What with tougher immigration rules about to kick in for domestic workers in the uk then there will plenty more of this to come.
    They cant stay here legally anymore and thats where you come in

    She is demanding and hassle now so the last thing you want to do in marry her

    Dump her now and let her find another victim
    It's a fair point. I fell for her, and I guess my patience in the early days just permitted her to become like this, but if its her true colours I am glad I know now....

  21. #21
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HACHE View Post
    It's a fair point. I fell for her, and I guess my patience in the early days just permitted her to become like this, but if its her true colours I am glad I know now....
    I can imagine how you feel being pressured by your situation where heart and mind dont go same way.

    just my thoughts...if i put myself into your shoe and i so sure about the feelings for this girl I would never have a second thought of marrying her especially if that would solve her problem regardless of her intentions. Others may have disagree but thats how love works often than not. If you're 100% in love with this girl you wouldn't be here asking advices as you really know what to do. Petty quarrels and silly arguments are always part of relationship. All couples in love do fights. and still remain together . I am pretty sure you know what your mind and your heart tells you what to do

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by gparry2007 View Post
    I can imagine how you feel being pressured by your situation where heart and mind dont go same way.

    just my thoughts...if i put myself into your shoe and i so sure about the feelings for this girl I would never have a second thought of marrying her especially if that would solve her problem regardless of her intentions. Others may have disagree but thats how love works often than not. If you're 100% in love with this girl you wouldn't be here asking advices as you really know what to do. Petty quarrels and silly arguments are always part of relationship. All couples in love do fights. and still remain together . I am pretty sure you know what your mind and your heart tells you what to do
    Thanks for the reply.
    You're right in saying if I was 100% I wouldn't be seeking advice here. Or anywhere for that matter.
    But for me I guess I needed to confirm to myself why i am not 100%....Genuine misgivings that I am not admitting to myself, or is it my temdancy to be overcautious and do the easy thing and just walk when things seem a bit complicated...
    Anyway, seems fate is forcing our hands. She's been told that she's only got 2 months to find a college, and a new course would cost £4-6K and only can do one year, during which she'll not be able to legally work unless that course is at a university. She's resigned herself to just going home. I think I have aswell.
    Ah well....part of life's complicated tapestry...

  23. #23
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Hi Hache..well she clearly says the real intent of wanting to marry you..her need to stay here in the UK.. You know what you gotta do..
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    Hi Hache..well she clearly says the real intent of wanting to marry you..her need to stay here in the UK.. You know what you gotta do..
    And I'm thinking you don't mean I should marry her...

  25. #25
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    What's the far as you're concerned anyway ?

  26. #26
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    Told her the other week no one ever wants to be pushed or pressured, and I'll only ever do that if it was right me me, not just convenient for her. And these silly petty arguments make me think twice about the long term viability anyway.....

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by HACHE View Post
    Told her the other week no one ever wants to be pushed or pressured, and I'll only ever do that if it was right me me, not just convenient for her. And these silly petty arguments make me think twice about the long term viability anyway.....
    She needs to shape up or ship out

  28. #28
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    Everytime I see a post by LondonManila, it reminds me of these fat sweaty balding bitter men that you find in the skanky expat bars in the Philippines. You come across the same comments day in day out, by these guys sat at the bar staring down the end of the beer bottle and hanging out with bar girls and young girls and they think that these girls represent the country. The good ones wouldn't come near people like him.
    A reason why I very rarely stepped in an expat bar whilst living in the Philippines.
    There is another forum called LINC where you'll find some like minded people.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Everytime I see a post by LondonManila, it reminds me of these fat sweaty balding bitter men that you find in the skanky expat bars in the Philippines. You come across the same comments day in day out, by these guys sat at the bar staring down the end of the beer bottle and hanging out with bar girls and young girls and they think that these girls represent the country. The good ones wouldn't come near people like him.
    A reason why I very rarely stepped in an expat bar whilst living in the Philippines.
    There is another forum called LINC where you'll find some like minded people.
    Well said Ricky

  30. #30
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    Totally agree.

    Those dens of iniquity should be restricted to the young slim handsome and cheerful types.

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