Well, at the beginning of February I saw some local ads where they wanted film extras for the new Les Miserables musical film. I enjoyed the film and have a cinema pass, so always go to the cinema a lot when I can. So I went along before the time they said to find a massive queue! It was freezing cold and I must have stood outside for nearly 3 hours with parts of me going numb (that was the day it started snowing!)! Anyway, I got seen and they took my details, measurements and photos. Reports said that around 3000 people turned up and a lot nearer the end of the queue were turned away as there was no way there would be time to see them! That was just the audition at Chatham! There were also auditions in Portsmouth, London, Winchester and somewhere else I think.
Recently I still hadn't heard anything so thought that was it! Then last Friday I received a text asking if I was available for a fitting next Tuesday or Wednesday and filming on Friday. I replied I was and they phone me. They said they would let me know on Monday. I still hadn't heard anything by late Monday afternoon, so I phoned them and they said they would let me know soon. I later received a text saying I wasn't needed and thought that was that. Then on Tuesday afternoon I received a phone-call asking if I was still available?!
So today I went to Chatham dockyard for the costume fitting and I'm going to be a Policeman!![]()
Filming will be tomorrow afternoon and evening.
Some of the cast are Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Siegfried (from Mama-mia musical film), Helena Bonham-Carter and Sasha Baron-Cohen! It's meant to be released in December.
More info about it here: