Hi all. Been searching through the forum for a step by step process but no luck so far

My fiancee is already back there and i am planning to go there around the first week of June and would appreciate any advice.
I've only got a 2 or at a push 3 week holiday! Would love to be able to get married as soon as we can so we can have a bit of a honeymoon before my return and her spouse visa application wait!
I am going to my registrar this week and getting the inpediment form filled in here and i believe we have to hand it in at the embassy there as soon as possible after i get there.
Beyond that i havent a clue

We realise the visa app is a further process! But soley concerned with the wedding process in this post

What documents do i need from the uk? What docs does she need?
What can she or I do before I get there?
What do we do once I arrive and in the organising of the ceremony?
Basically info from start to finish of the process in the quickest time possible
Oh I do have a rough idea what to do later on during the honeymoon