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Thread: no letter attached on returned passport and documents

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Smile no letter attached on returned passport and documents

    please help me with my situation, i went home last march in PI to accompany my 4 children to apply for their settlement child visa. now iam back in uk and my brother had informed me that the embassy had returned the passports and original documents but we are confused because their passports are blanks of any visa stamps and we dont know if theyve been refuse or what because their is no such letter of notice of what are the lists or reasons of refusal. the package contained only their passports and documents. please advise me.

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Call the British Embassy or VFS and ask about it. I'm not really sure but when you submitted the applications online, it should give you a reference number for it via your email. Also, VFS would've have given you a reference number too when you submitted the applications. Maybe you can use either of the two reference numbers when inquiring about what happened to your kids' applications. I'm really sorry I have no other idea how to handle this. I hope others can help.
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  3. #3
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    Not enough info to make meaningful suggestions.
    Best action is to follow what Rayna says and contact immediately to British Embassy for guidance.

    Sorry can't help more. Lets us know what happens.

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