"CNN PRODUCER NOTE JherryPhons was visiting the Pugad Adventure resort in the Philippines when he found himself face to face with an eagle. He says it was his first time seeing an eagle up-close. He says the eagle's eye captured his attention right away because of its beauty. 'It took me an hour and more than 20 shots just to photograph its stunning eyes because its head kept moving,' he says. 'I was even begging the eagle to look at me and smile.
- Jareen, CNN iReport producer"
"CNN's “Eye On” is a series that takes you to different countries around the world, highlighting influence and innovation. The program showcases interesting places and intelligent people who have the potential to change our world.
And now, CNN's "Eye On" shines the international spotlight on the Philippines this month, with a special week of programming dedicated to the Southeast Asian country.
Join CNN for a unique journey through the Philippines, providing insight into the tropical country's people, politics, business, and culture.
Live daily reports from April 30 to May 4.
Half hour special airing on May 4 to May 6".