Romanian crime gangs are bussing hundreds of men, women and children into London ahead of the Olympics to flood the streets as pickpockets, beggars and prostitutes.
Penniless eastern Europeans are stepping off coaches in the heart of the West End already armed with maps showing them where to work.
They have been “allocated pitches prior to leaving their country and instructed to defend the pitch and work it for the money,” said Westminster crime reduction officer Claire Hardy.
Streets around Marble Arch are flooded with migrants sleeping rough on a scale never seen before.
Officials fear one of the capital’s iconic landmarks will be turned into a squalid campsite as the world descends on London for the Games.
Neighbourhood wardens are clearing groups of up to 60 Romanian rough sleepers every night from around Marble Arch and Oxford Street. Police discovered 50 women trafficked into the area to work as prostitutes. They also arrested four women beggars for using babies as young as three weeks old.