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Thread: I need advise or suggestion, opinion etc.

  1. #1
    Member Simba's Avatar
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    I need advise or suggestion, opinion etc.

    I'm new in this forum.

    i just want to share my stress i need your help guys!

    We just got married last May 2012 and now I'm in the process of collecting documents for my settlement visa application.

    I'm overseas worker for 11 yrs. before i got married, travelled in some places like USA, UK (4times) Asia and Middle east.

    I meet my husband while on holiday at my third time visit in UK and fourth time we got engaged.

    after we got engaged i did not returned to work and just concentrate in my new life...since i love traveling, while there i apply for new zealand visit visa, from that application NZ embassy found out that my passport is fraudulent without my knowledge, they inform me that im holding a Philippines Fraud passport, that was shock me a lot, i cannot forget what is my reaction after reading my email about my fraud passport. I coordinated immediately with NZ embassy about it and Philippine Embassy they help me with my situation, (I just send my passport application to renewed with my mate, that time they dont implement biometric passport all my mate said its ok without personal appearance since im doing that as well to some nationality with our workers like american, indian sri lankan so all the trust i made that its not fraud) after the interrogation made by both embassy (NZ & PI) I proved that i was innocent with my fraud passport.

    the next issue is in that i have my UK visa and im in Uk that time after a month UKBA agent been in our flat, again after interrogation i proved that Im innocent with that fraud passport and left our flat.

    When my 6months visa end, I went home (PI) and settled my fraud passport again interrogation with DFA and they made the conclusion that i was victim of local fixer and get clearance and received my new passport.

    I made statement with regards to my travel history or my fraud passport to be forward to UKBA.

    Oh i made inquiry as well to some travel agent or immigration agent and they said no need to forward my travel history since i dont trust anyone or agent to do my papers after what happened with my passport or a lesson for me i did not get their service. instead i keep searching in UKBA website and like here in this forum its more useful and helpful rather than the agent they are not to familiar with visa application i think so be careful in seeking immigration agent.

    This is my stress with regards to my application, what will be the affect to my application because of my fraud passport in the past.

    Any advise comment, opinion with the member PLEASE and thank you for welcoming me in this forum site, It's really great help.

    BE SAFE to ALL

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    was you ever charged with anything ? from your post it looks like you wasn't ?

  3. #3
    Member Simba's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
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    i was not charge of anything. thanks Joe for your replay.

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