I'll find some pictures later, but as for how far can you go back - well this is unusual, but not unique in that I can remember being a baby.
One of my earliest memories is sitting on a rug and looking at a picture on the wall. My mind is blank about this, so I am guessing it is before I could talk.
I remember being at a friend of the parent's house and being shown a calendar for 1970 and being told this will be next year. I was born in September 1967, so I must have been pretty young there!
Then the more I think, I have some very hazy memories - literally hazy like I couldn't focus and the faces were blurred, of a dark haired woman, and I know I wanted her, but then she was gone, then I was moved to another room and someone I didn't feel was right picked me up.
I thought this was a dream and didn't think about it, until years later when I was told I was sent to a foster parent, adopted eventually aged 5 months and was a very unsettled baby. My adoption records showed in my medical that I had bonded with my mother.
This of course might be utter rubbish, as I don't believe it's possible I can have even vestigial memory of being 3/4 months old!! It does make you wonder though.

Then weirdly, even though I can remember nappy changes (you really wanted to know that didn't you ) and can remember being 2, I cannot remember staying in a caravan in photos I own where I am clearly aged about 4 or 5.