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Thread: Steps For Getting Married In The Phillipines

  1. #1
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    Steps For Getting Married In The Phillipines

    Hi all. Been searching through the forum for a step by step process but no luck so far
    My fiancee is already back there and i am planning to go there around the first week of June and would appreciate any advice.
    I've only got a 2 or at a push 3 week holiday! Would love to be able to get married as soon as we can so we can have a bit of a honeymoon before my return and her spouse visa application wait!
    I am going to my registrar this week and getting the inpediment form filled in here and i believe we have to hand it in at the embassy there as soon as possible after i get there.
    Beyond that i havent a clue
    We realise the visa app is a further process! But soley concerned with the wedding process in this post
    What documents do i need from the uk? What docs does she need?
    What can she or I do before I get there?
    What do we do once I arrive and in the organising of the ceremony?
    Basically info from start to finish of the process in the quickest time possible
    Oh I do have a rough idea what to do later on during the honeymoon

  2. #2
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Your C.N.I will take 3 weeks. Then you have to book a appointment via email to the british embassy in Manila to get your local C.N.I. To be honest mate if you have not got anything organised for the wedding yet you will be pushing it.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Hi all. Been searching through the forum for a step by step process but no luck so far
    My fiancee is already back there and i am planning to go there around the first week of June and would appreciate any advice.
    I've only got a 2 or at a push 3 week holiday! Would love to be able to get married as soon as we can so we can have a bit of a honeymoon before my return and her spouse visa application wait!
    I am going to my registrar this week and getting the inpediment form filled in here and i believe we have to hand it in at the embassy there as soon as possible after i get there.
    Beyond that i havent a clue
    We realise the visa app is a further process! But soley concerned with the wedding process in this post
    What documents do i need from the uk? What docs does she need?
    What can she or I do before I get there?
    What do we do once I arrive and in the organising of the ceremony?
    Basically info from start to finish of the process in the quickest time possible
    Oh I do have a rough idea what to do later on during the honeymoon
    As a first step here's some useful general information about Overseas marriages and civil partnerships and How to apply for a Certificate of No Impediment (CNI)
    including the British Embassy appointment system and how to apply.

    The CNI is available from your local registry office. It takes 22 days from time of application. It's 21 days for the 'bans'.
    Please do remember the CNI has only 3 months validity, so don't get it too early.

    I suggest you always check for the latest information for paperwork needed etc but in principle to apply for the Marriage License in the Philippines you should consider having the following:-

    Your birth certificate
    Your passport
    Your C.N.I.
    Your NSO CENOMAR (if needed, please check well beforehand)
    Your Divorce decree asbsolute (if applicable)

    Certificate of 'Pre-Marriage Seminar' (if needed, please check well beforehand)

    Her N.S.O. birth certificate (This should be fresh from NSO on latest type of security paper. Check)
    Her Passport (or other appropriate ID)
    Her Barangay clearance (if needed, please check well beforehand)
    Her community tax certificate (often called Cedula)
    Her postal I.D. Address
    Her Parents signed advice form (for under 25 years)
    Her Parents I.D.

    Have a discussion with your fiancee and be sure she knows what to do and how to secure the needed documents etc from her side.

    If you have any questions post them here. There are plenty who have recently been through the wedding process and can help you.

    Hope this helps

  4. #4
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    am getting married in may i got my cni £35 local reg office 22 days local nso cenomare she will apply 3 days before i get there i have appoint ment with uk embassy in manila did this last week she has all her docs needed just need to get there and start the journing into marrige lol

  5. #5
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Wow thats great hawk all the best to you mate.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Hi all. Been searching through the forum for a step by step process but no luck so far
    My fiancee is already back there and i am planning to go there around the first week of June and would appreciate any advice.
    I've only got a 2 or at a push 3 week holiday! Would love to be able to get married as soon as we can so we can have a bit of a honeymoon before my return and her spouse visa application wait!
    I am going to my registrar this week and getting the inpediment form filled in here and i believe we have to hand it in at the embassy there as soon as possible after i get there.
    Beyond that i havent a clue
    We realise the visa app is a further process! But soley concerned with the wedding process in this post
    What documents do i need from the uk? What docs does she need?
    What can she or I do before I get there?
    What do we do once I arrive and in the organising of the ceremony?
    Basically info from start to finish of the process in the quickest time possible
    Oh I do have a rough idea what to do later on during the honeymoon
    We did it in 2.5 weeks including my flight time to and from Manila. It was all organised in advance. We used an agent to help with the wedding process.

    First day in Philippines (Thursday) went to embassy and hand delivered my UK CNI (things have changed a bit since last June as the CNI exchange can be done the same day)

    Second day went back to embassy to collect local CNI

    Third and Fourth days ....weekend

    Fifth day - Monday. Called in to see the reverend and delivered paperwork requirements in Paranaquay City. Brief visit to Paranaquay City Hall.

    Sixth Day - Tuesday. Advanced civil wedding ceremony in Paranaquay followed by wedding reception.

    Days Seven through to Sixteen. Trip to Laguna with wife and family. Honeymoon in Boracay and visit VFS in Makati etc.

    My wife's requirement to do the seminar was waived as we used an agent to help facilitate the wedding process. After the advance wedding ceremony I was required to spend at least 10 days in the country after that. The wedding cert was issued 10 days later.

    My wife is here in the UK (Isle of Man) now so it worked well.

  7. #7
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    Hi thanks guys, things a bit clearer now NSO CENOMAR is that different from the CNI?
    Going to local reistrar on tuesday for my CNI in scotland which will take the 22 days you say.
    I know I am going to be pushing it a bit at this short notice to get theings organised to get to phil and married from the first week of June but its that or wait until the end of the year for time off work.
    Have sent my partner in manila the info and she is going to do what she can before i get there and we will email and make a appointment with the embassy now hopefully the day i arrive or so will be available!
    I will take all the information I have seen here we need for her spouse visa application and try and get a sponser support letter drafted up before i leave so we can apply as soon as we can for her to join me back here as my wife!
    Be on a few more questions for you to come when i start on that one too

  8. #8
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    Hmmm lost my last reply. Anyway thanks guys...understand a bit better now
    So whats the difference between CNI and NSO CENOMAR?
    Going on tuesday to start my CNI locally in Aberdeen, and they say 22 days as you say!
    I realise that I am going to pushing it a bit to get to the phils, and get the marriage processed etc on the first week of June (and the following 1 to 2 weeks) but its either that or wait until the end of the year.
    Part of the problem is neither of us have been married and havent even go the most basic of knowledge!!
    We will email very soon and try make an appointment to get the CNI converted to local one on the day i arrive!!
    Have sent my partner in manila the info you gave so she can make a start now on the things she can organise herself before i go!!
    I think she has a family friend who is a judge who can carry out the wedding or something??
    On searching the site Ive found good onfo on getting my sponser letter done and all the other bits and pieces we will need for the spouse visa application....plan to take it all with me so its ready to finish off and start the process as well a.s.p

  9. #9
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Dont forget it will take 10 days to get your marriage licence when you get to manila. All the best mate hope everything goes well for you and your other half.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Hmmm lost my last reply. Anyway thanks guys...understand a bit better now
    So whats the difference between CNI and NSO CENOMAR?
    Going on tuesday to start my CNI locally in Aberdeen, and they say 22 days as you say!
    I realise that I am going to pushing it a bit to get to the phils, and get the marriage processed etc on the first week of June (and the following 1 to 2 weeks) but its either that or wait until the end of the year.
    Part of the problem is neither of us have been married and havent even go the most basic of knowledge!!
    We will email very soon and try make an appointment to get the CNI converted to local one on the day i arrive!!
    Have sent my partner in manila the info you gave so she can make a start now on the things she can organise herself before i go!!
    I think she has a family friend who is a judge who can carry out the wedding or something??
    On searching the site Ive found good onfo on getting my sponser letter done and all the other bits and pieces we will need for the spouse visa application....plan to take it all with me so its ready to finish off and start the process as well a.s.p
    I seem to recall there is a seperate stipulation for Scottish applicants but I cant remember what it is..........I will see if I can dig it out....

    Cant find it. Maybe the regulation have changed. I noticed it as I thought at the time, about a year ago, that I was glad that I wasnt living in Scotland anymore.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    So whats the difference between CNI and NSO CENOMAR?
    The CNI is issued here in the UK by the authorities here. The CENOMAR is pretty much the Philippine equivalent, issued by the Philippine authority.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    I think she has a family friend who is a judge who can carry out the wedding or something??
    Sounds like the family friend route might be useful....

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Sounds like the family friend route might be useful....
    Yeah certainly hope so! me worried now that there might be a other issue with coming from scotland!
    Think partner going to city hall etc tomorrow to find out more an ddo what she can!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Yeah certainly hope so! me worried now that there might be a other issue with coming from scotland!
    Think partner going to city hall etc tomorrow to find out more an ddo what she can!
    It must have been changed as I dont think it is there now. Only thing I saw on the document from the embassy refers to the local CNI being valid for 3 months if issued in Scotland.....

    Click on this site and look for the CNI Word download on the middle to top right.....

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Dont forget it will take 10 days to get your marriage licence when you get to manila. All the best mate hope everything goes well for you and your other half.
    Sorry not sure what you mean! you mean we have to wait 10 days after the wedding for the certificate? or can we not get married for 10 days after i arrive.
    Hoped to get the cni sorted the first day or so on arrival!
    And then if my partner can do everything else herself before i come, to get married hopefully the first week as well then have a little honeymoon before i go back
    Is all this not possible????

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Sorry not sure what you mean! you mean we have to wait 10 days after the wedding for the certificate? or can we not get married for 10 days after i arrive.
    Hoped to get the cni sorted the first day or so on arrival!
    And then if my partner can do everything else herself before i come, to get married hopefully the first week as well then have a little honeymoon before i go back
    Is all this not possible????
    I found that one hard to get my head around and still do. Checkout my post #6 above...where I pointed out that I needed to be in the country for 10 days after the advanced wedding ceremony.....thats what Andy is referring to.

    Like I said, I did it in 2 1/2 weeks comfortably, including flight time.....if you can get the CNI exchanged at the embassy in a day (which I couldnt at the time) then you will need one less day.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    It must have been changed as I dont think it is there now. Only thing I saw on the document from the embassy refers to the local CNI being valid for 3 months if issued in Scotland.....

    Click on this site and look for the CNI Word download on the middle to top right.....
    Ok cheers..... I think i had a look here before! Although have had a severe case of information overload lately between this and visa applications etc
    When i talked to the registrar here on the phone she did say there was a 3 month limit but that should be ok if we can get married in June as we plan and im only going there this tuesday!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Ok cheers..... I think i had a look here before! Although have had a severe case of information overload lately between this and visa applications etc
    I know what you mean. Very confusing at first...

  19. #19
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Sorry not sure what you mean! you mean we have to wait 10 days after the wedding for the certificate? or can we not get married for 10 days after i arrive.
    Hoped to get the cni sorted the first day or so on arrival!
    And then if my partner can do everything else herself before i come, to get married hopefully the first week as well then have a little honeymoon before i go back
    Is all this not possible????
    I found it a nightmare but if everything goes well you should be ok. You and your wife will go to the registry office where she lives you need to take your documents. There you will sign the marriage licence forms. You will have to wait 10 days before the registra signs for it. Collect it on the 11th day.

  20. #20
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Dont be scared to ask anything Bin quite a few on here have been through it. I am glad I went for a month though.

  21. #21
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    Cheers guys.
    Antoher thing is what airlines people have used.
    Had a search using expedia with some trial dates around the time i hope for. Seems there arent any 1 stop flights as there were a couple of month ago when my partner went home with 1 stop in amsterdam!
    From a time and hassle point of view i would have prefered a flight from aberdeen but its not cheap!!!! About £750 to £900 so far

  22. #22
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I found it difficult to get one stop flights but try this site the guys on here gave me. I have booked with them and thier prices are good. I paid £575 return to Birmingham.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Cheers guys.
    Antoher thing is what airlines people have used.
    Had a search using expedia with some trial dates around the time i hope for. Seems there arent any 1 stop flights as there were a couple of month ago when my partner went home with 1 stop in amsterdam!
    From a time and hassle point of view i would have prefered a flight from aberdeen but its not cheap!!!! About £750 to £900 so far
    I heard the KLM Amsterdam Manila flight had been stopped? Shame for you as Aberdeen Amsterdam, Amsterdam Manila would have been okay for you via KLM.

    I have to get 3 flights from the Isle of Man to I sympathise.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I heard the KLM Amsterdam Manila flight had been stopped? Shame for you as Aberdeen Amsterdam, Amsterdam Manila would have been okay for you via KLM.

    I have to get 3 flights from the Isle of Man to I sympathise.
    Yeah mate I think kingy (my soon to be wife who just joined the forum) must have got one of the last direct flights from there at the end of march

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