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Thread: stepson and ILR

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    stepson and ILR

    well i've finally sent the forms for ILR for my wife and stepson, 2 * £750 on my credit card

    well after seeking lots of advice from a lot of places, i've come to a conclusion, that their are a lot of people out there who are so called 'pros' and they just don't know themselfs all about immigration law. even after mailing a 'immigration consultant' who is specialist in immigration law, gave me the wrong answer, when i asked could my stepson claim ILR if hes only been here 5 months, she said 'no, i dont think so' , i said i phoned IND twice and they said he can, i told her this ,and she said 'oh you've got me there' . good job iam not rich or stupid enough to pay £75 for a 30 mins consultantion with them ....

    so if you want advice, make sure you are someone who knows

  2. #2
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    I knew you are the filipino65 in the other forum! I don't know why John didn't see your case, he's a lot better than victoria.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    hahahaha, yes well for a consultant who specializes in immigration, i wasnt asking a difficult question, something i would have thought she would have known the answer to , i'm not knocking her that much ,as she must be good at her job, or she would not be able to charge £500+ for helping a visa app.

    also john in a post told the person who had a 21yr daughter that she could apply for ILR, from what i found out while doing a bit of investigation with my stepson, you have to prove they are not living a independant life style, well like i said, if shes 21 and going to goto uni, what shes done since 18 - 21 must be important, iam glad victoria agreed with me

    i dont know, u ask people you get different answers

    thats why i ask so many people ! , like who wants to be a millionaire, when you can ask the audience, i go with the most common answer, but its worrying how you could ask someone and go with their answer, and possibly make a big mistake...

  4. #4
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    that forum sucks it's just a bunch of lawyers trawling for business.. you askk for help & they say PM me.. so they charge for help

    not very helpful forum really.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    thats one thing we do agree on baboyako
    not much help and not much fun

    and they nearly charge as much as my vet does

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    the other forum? Sounds very mysterious.
    is that like the masons, with funny handshakes?

  7. #7
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    I know that forum but i am not a member. I sometimes read the posts there though, and got confused
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  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    thats the problem, you dont know who to believe, just a simple thing like which form to use, i mean when you dont get the same answer from a number a people, you begin to wonder

    and when you contact some of the people who suppose to know, but you can never get thru, or they dont reply. The Immigration Advisory Service (IAS) 2 wks later, and i sent an email, to their head office and machester office and no reply.. and i was never able to talk to someone, law centre solictors who gave me the wrong advice, and to ind, for giving me the complete oppersite advice from when i phoned ind the day before. and to the experts who make a living out of this, and they dont know...

    well its done, and i hope its all over with .. 4 wks i should know

    but like the star wars films and harry potter films, this could go on and on................

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    thats the problem, two experts never seem to give the same advice in whatever field.
    Does it say more about the visa situation even on this board extremley mysterious decisions have been made either in favour or not for applicants. when reading the pdfs of the guidlines the ecos use it apeared the Ecos didnt always follow them.
    Have you asked via email ukvisas as like others have found they do have to respond and sometimes the information emailed is more detailed than that given via phone it appears. Im sure you have already so maybe not much use sorry sir. while doing our research, i will look to see if any recent examples which might you and your stepson.

  10. #10
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    Joebloggs what document did you sent, the set O? As I understand I need to send original bank statements, passports, letter from employer, by the way my employer is again soliciting another 60 months work permit for me, anything else?

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i applied for ILR for my wife and daughter using set(m) , i also sent my stepsons application on set (0) at the same time, ( i had a few problems deciding which form to use for him, set (o) or set (f) , but i spoke to an immigration expert, and he said (o) as my stepson is outside of immigration rules), and as my stepson had just turned 18 he couldnt go down as a dependant on my wifes set (m) form

    it might be slightly different for you, you have a work permit?, i'm british, but yes, the usual,

    my bank statements and my wifes for the last 6 months.
    my pay slips , my wifes pay slips for the last 6 months.
    letter from my employer, my wifes contract of employment
    my wifes birth cert, marriage cert, daughters birth cert, stepsons birth cert
    certfied copy of deeds to house, also land registry docs.
    20 letters,bills etc addressed to me and my wife. spread over 2 years.
    letter of support for my wife from me, explaining everything.
    my wifes life in the uk test cert
    also a copy of my wifes medical board of registraion, as shes a registered doc in the philippines.(basically to showm,she would never need recourse to public funds)

    for my stepson
    a letter for support from me and my wife explaining hes turned 18, but still dependant on us
    a letter from his bio father explaining he never really had any contact with him, and never supported him.
    his life in uk pass cert,
    and a few letters addressed to him, showing he lives with us.

    and 4 passports, mine, my wifes, daughters and stepsons,

    oh and do a sipmle budget, showing that you can support your family, utility bills, rent etc...

  12. #12
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    woooaa.. many. I am a work permit holder of 60 months which will be expiring 27 July 2007. Set O has work permit listed on it, to the right side which means I have to use it to apply for ILR. So I need to send the same as you sent? Did they ask you all those or you just send what you think will help the application? There are some needed documents listed on set o. BUt maybe I need send more to prove I don't resort to public funds.

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    oh i just wanted to make sure, that they couldnt reject it for somethnig i didnt send, 2 * £750 for a visa, thats a lot to me

    also i put in the letters of support, everythnig i found out from people, basically saying that what ever happens to my wife visa wise, has to happen to my stepson as he was and is still a dependant of her, and i tihnk they will find it bit difficult to refuse her ILR, as ILR should be just straight forward, so i'm expecting he will be granted it to... if not i'm gonna be really

    most of the what i sent, i needed to, or your told to, read the guidance notes for your set (o) form, what you send depnds on why your applying,

  14. #14
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    Did they received their ILR already?

  15. #15
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nparvus1202 View Post
    Did they received their ILR already?
    Yes! they did.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes it took 1 month before we got the passports and evidence back, i wasn't worried about my wife and daughter, but i was a bit worried about my stepson who only came to the uk in dec last year, and so he had been in the uk less than 6 months when i applied for ILR for him , and worse he had turned 18 in mid feb, but some people told me it would be a problem, him being 18 as he is no longer a minor, but i spoke to a couple of people who really knew immigration law, and one said, "no, no problem, i know he will get it, i know the law, and i don't care what anyone else tells you" . the other guy told me the same to, and he got it

  17. #17
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    Very good then. We will be applying this month, praying that the application will be as successful.

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