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Thread: Er, Hhello and all that .. Slightly complicated case

  1. #1
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    Er, Hhello and all that .. Slightly complicated case

    This is my first post here. My case may be slightly unusual in that I have been married for 15 years to a lady who was certainly Filipina when we met 21 years ago but who has held a British passport for quite a while and we have two children.

    However, two years ago my wife announced that she had found another chap whom she likes better and we are in the final stages of getting divorced, with me keeping custody of the children. Luckily we got married outside the Philippines. We are doing our best to be sensible about the whole business.

    Being, obviously, an incurable romantic and having friends in the Philippines from when I worked there, it was only a matter of time before a friend whom I was visiting "set me up" on a date with his girlfriend's best friend's flatmate, which worked rather well, so I seem to be setting off on Round Two.

    I have forgotten all the visa rules, and they have probably changed anyway, added to which the lady in question runs her own business and is un-keen on moving to the UK whilst I am quite keen on moving to the Philippines. But I would like her to come and visit for a while, anyway, so once the decree absolute is through I would like to apply for a fiancee visa for her and her little boy.

    Where do I start? (and which is the best balikbayan box company these days?)

  2. #2
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    ' However, two years ago my wife announced that she had found another chap whom she likes better and we are in the final stages of getting divorced, with me keeping custody of the children.'


    I'll leave it to the experts to advise you on the latest visa requirements (also look at the UKBA website).

    Good luck with your new relationship.

  3. #3
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Hi, welcome to the forum

    For a start, go through this thread How to Apply for a Fiancee Visa.

    And for balikbayan boxes, go to LBC's website as a start..or read through this thread..
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    Hi CMB, welcome aboard

    As a first step please take a read of the following thread:-

    How To Apply For A Fiance(e) Visa

    You may find this thread interesting also:-

    Fiance(e) Visa or Spouse Visa? Which is best?

    Concerning children under fiance(e) visa, here's what UKBA say:-

    Entry clearance with a view to settlement may be granted to a minor dependent child of a parent who has been admitted, or is seeking admission, as a
    fiancé(e) under paragraphs 290 to 295 of the Rules provided the following additional requirements are met:

    the child is under the age of 18, is unmarried and is not leading an independent life nor formed an independent family unit;

    the child can and will be maintained and accommodated adequately without recourse to public funds with the parent admitted or being admitted as a fiancé(e)
    or proposed civil partner;

    there are serious and compelling family or other considerations which make the child's exclusion undesirable;

    that suitable arrangements for the child's care have been made;

    there is no other person outside the UK who could be reasonably expected to care for the child;

    the terms of any custody order relating to the child do not prevent the child being taken to another country with a view to settlement there.

    In assessing whether there are serious and compelling considerations (see SET7.9) it would normally be undesirable to exclude a child who had
    largely been cared for by the 'fiancé(e) / proposed civil partner parent'.

    With regard to another person being able to look after the child, this would include a close family member if there had been a genuine transfer of
    responsibility prior to the application. The age and health of the present carer will need to be taken into account in determining whether that person
    could be reasonably expected to continue caring for the child.

    Please do be aware that major changes to the settlement visa rules are expected to be announced soon.
    The best information we have right now is that these changes may be introduced around June 2012.

    The major thrust of the changes is to introduce some form of income threshold. There are quite a few threads on this which you can find with a quick search

    Regarding Balikbayan boxes I personally use Forex. Others use LBC
    There are plenty of threads on that subject and again a quick search will help you.

    Hope this helps you

  6. #6
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hello CMB
    Welcome to the forum.

    You are hopefully getting settled after a divorce that you did not initatate, all the best.

  7. #7
    Respected Member
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    Thank you very much; on the whole that is good news!

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