Hello Patrickm1978,It's really hard waiting my wife Rotsen has been waiting 6 weeks now the stress is unreal I personally have lost about 3 stone in weight cause stress and depression I just loss interest in food and find my sleep has been effected I just hope soon I can here some positive news soon
It's really hard being apart from your wife so everybody hang on in there and pray
Yes, it's really hard. That's what I and my partner feel also. Terribly hard. But I try to let my partner think positive, make him laugh always, reverse his sadness because we are alone with each other so that he won't feel stress and depress. I let him feel whatever it takes we will be in each other soon and no one will stop us. If I can't go to UK he going to stay here in Phil. with me.
Patrick, be strong, be patience. Don't be depress. The important is... whatever it takes you have each other. We don't let ruin our happiness to be with our love one just because of the piece of paper. LET'S KEEP OUR FAITH OK? LET'S BE PATIENCE, AND BE POSITIVE.