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Thread: Requirements for the visa...

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Lyresh's Avatar
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    Requirements for the visa...

    hello everyone, how true is it that the pictures that you are going to submit must have their dates on it. Is it necessary??? I was thinking yes but how can i let them understand or prove them we knew each other for more than years, as some pictures that i have and is planning to submit have no written dates on it? Except if i am going to give them a USB where they could see proofs that we had been a couple for quite long, need some advice as slowly i am preparing for my future application thanks x God bless all x oops one more question... How many pictures do i have to supply them and how did you guys did yours? ...tnx again ....

  2. #2
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    No, the pictures do not need to have dates on them.

    To prove you have met and the length of time the relationship has been, you should provide items, such as, flight itineraries and hotel receipts.
    This should be backed up by the stamped pages of your passport.

  3. #3
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    There's no need to have dates on the pictures...

    Always keep flight tickets, hotel bookings, few emails to show them the dates. You can prove to them that you met each other through passport stamps

  4. #4
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    No requirement for dates. We submitted about 50 pictures but our adviser said that was more than enough. One of the things that was stressed to me was to try and ensure that the pictures don't look like they were taken on the same day, in other words pick ones out with a variety of scenery and in a variety of clothing.

    My wife and I had only known each other for 6 months prior to the application. And we were successful. Things like hotel receipts, ticket stubbs, etc anything that proves your fiancee was in the Philippines and of course chat logs emails and itemised phone bills.We submitted quite a number of relevant receipts that I had collected during my visits to the Philippines. And your fiancees passport stamp for entry into the Philippines.

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Lyresh's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot i have one of my friends telling me this and she applied in singapore so all i thought thats how it is, thanks a lot Rusty, Confused Me and Lastlid.... that for enlightening one of my worries, then now .... Pictures check..... more to go....thanks Guys!!! you're all our angels, thanks for the guidance will do have more questions to post soon... take care you all

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyresh View Post
    you're all our angels,
    's us ... "Guardian Angels".

  7. #7
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Lyresh's Avatar
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    True Mr. Arthur tnx x

  8. #8
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    I have recently lodge my Fiancee Visa App and believe it or not I submitted 80 PRINT OUT PHOTOGRAPHS. Hahahahahaha. It was photos of us TWO from 2009 to present and photos of us two with our family and friends both in England and in the Philippines.

    But yeah, it doesnt really necessary to have dates on the photos. Like what they said above, passport stamps, itinerary receipts, hotel booking and also boarding passes (with ur name and your partners name on it) will be enough. Also include chatlogs or emails will do.

    Waiting for the result still.

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