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Thread: stress

  1. #31
    Trusted Member
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    I’ve resisted offering advice so far, for several reasons :-
    • Not only is “ stress “ a common reason for attending the doctor, but many doctors themselves have stress. Even contributing to the forum can be stressful !
    • It’s difficult to define – most agree stress is an adverse reaction to excessive ( or even too few ) pressures at work, home, or elsewhere.
    • Stress affects people in different ways and what one person finds stressful can be normal to another. It depends on age and gender ; background and culture ; skills and experience ; personality and general health.
    • There’s a huge number of internet articles – of variable quality.

    However, if anyone regularly has more than a few of the following, they need to take it seriously, and do something about it, perhaps along the lines already suggested by other members :-

     Memory problems
     Inability to concentrate
     Poor judgment
     Seeing only the negative
     Anxiety
     Constant worrying  Moodiness
     Irritability or short temper
     Agitation, inability to relax
     Feeling overwhelmed
     Sense of loneliness and isolation
     Aches and pains
     Nausea, dizziness
     Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
     Loss of sex drive
     Frequent colds
     Avoiding people / responsibilities
     Excessive use of alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs ( prescription or illicit ).

    Stress is a risk factor for various health problems :-

     Heart disease / high blood pressure
     Digestive problems
     Sleep problems  Depression
     Obesity
     Skin conditions like eczema

    It can’t be ignored but ways to deal with it are an individual matter and may need a visit to the doctor.

  2. #32
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    I just want to be looking forward to my hols in just under 2 weeks time, but my car has been giving me right hassle!

    First off it broke down on the way to work, got a new coilpack and thought it was fixed. Drove it a few days later to have the rear brakes done and then on to the MOT. Failed the MOT for welding, and guy couldn't do the work for aweek and a half, so I was car-less again! Finally get the welding done and on the way to the MOT, the car died twice with a new problem and rev counter/revs kept flicking about! Took it to another garage the next day which is more expensive, but good and they thought it was the throttle body. Tried one from another car and it was still doing it. The tried this manifold sensor from another car and it seemed to be ok. Ordered the part, fitted it and seemed to be ok. I picked it up last night and it drove fine to my parents, but on the way back home it started doing it again!

    So then had to take it back to the garage! It's now 3 weeks since the first problem and the only times I've been driving it has been on the way to & from getting it fixed! All the cost is eating away at my holiday spending money and is not what I need right now! If I'd known a few months back, I would have ahd this expense, I would have sold it and bought another, but now I've spent all this getting it fixed, there's no money for another!

  3. #33
    Trusted Member
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    Sorry to hear about your car's problems.

    Have you joined any forums relevant to your car make/model ?
    What sort of car is it ?
    Always a mine of useful info on those sites, and can save you a mint on rip-off garage prices.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Lots of different ways to beat stress you can find on the internet, but it's down to what works for you, I try to leave work at work, Yol don't deserve me bringing it home, but she is amazing at helping me through it, same can work for you, they just need to remember you need to get your boots off and sit down first, once they understand that, our lovely pinays are incredible. Without Yol at my side I would not be coping with the stress at work we've had since September, but best of luck mate you will find your own way in time.
    I'd rather regret something I tried which didn't work then regret not trying something at all

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