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Thread: more bank statements required

  1. #1
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    more bank statements required

    hi,my wife have just today,3rd may,received an email from FOR THE UKBA asking for bank statememts to show i have 7000 pounds in my bank account,they want the statements in 10 days from now otherwise her visa application will be refused.most of my money is in government bonds which i will have to apply to cash in,that will take a week or so,then how do i get bank statements to them in 10 days from now from the UK?

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    they have asked you to show you have 7k, where have they got that figure from

    you should be able to scan the bank statements and email to your wife if she can print them out... or use fedex\dhl etc

    do you work ? are you self employed ?

  3. #3
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    that the amount i had on the statements my wife submitted to them in November,but 6 months on i dont have it all in the bank,i have most of it in Government Bonds,which will take time to cash in,so the 10 days they have allowed is not enough time,i think we are 'beaten'..

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    there is no immigration rule or law states you need savings, only that you can support your wife without the need for recourse to public funds..

    some people have been unemployed, living on benefits with no savings and still got a visa... of course having a job and savings would reduce the risk of her needing recourse to public funds, i think who ever told you if you didnt supply the bank statesments showing 7k your visa would be refused was out of order

    thou the embassy wants to see money you can get instant access to.

    have u sent any bank statements already, if so how many and were any overdrawn ??

    have you anyone, family member etc who could act as a sponsor and would be willing to provide 3rd party finanical support should the need arise ?

  5. #5
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    hi joebloggs,no im not working coz im 'carer' for my elderly mother,so i get only carers allowance,but i showed them my finances so they would know i could support my wife.the bank statememts i supplied to them where from November last year because i went to visit my wife then and obviously took all our paperwork and left it with her,but she didnt apply for the visa untill Feb this year because she was doing a 'care giver' course there and wanted to finish it first. but since then what with one thing and another ive used a lot of my saving so dont have the amount i had at that time,though ive still a few quid left.oh and no,ive never been overdrawn,ive always had enough funds.
    anyway i cant send bank statements i dont have and i dont have the £7000 they want to see anymore.

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